Shall issue of Fresh Passbook in lieu of used up one at any CBS Post Offices ?

As per O/o SPOs, Mangaluru Division letter no.L/SB Misc/Dlgs/2019-20 dated 08.07.2020 - Fresh Passbook can be issued at any CBS Post Offices as they mentioned the rule no.44 in this letter.
Lets compare the same  with CBS manual Rule No.44 - Issue of Fresh Passbook in lieu of used one.
As per CBS manual, the issue of FPB in lieu of used up one at Head/Sub/Branch Office is only mentioned and issue of other SOL FPB is not clear in the POSB (CBS) Manual. As per Manual, the issue FPB at parent SOL after obtaining Acknowledgment is safer side.
44. Issue of Fresh Pass Book In Lieu Of Used Up One
(1) Head Post Offices: - A new pass book in lieu of the used one should be issued to the depositor by the HO from the stock using Finacle CBS Application by following the process as lid down for issue of a new pass book in the relevant Rule. The manual remark “New Pass Book issued in lieu of used up and used up pass book returned to the depositor” should be made in the new pass book on the first page. The word 'Cancelled” should be written in red ink or impressed by means of rubber stamp across the first and the last page of the used up book and the remark “Pass book used up and fresh one issued” made on the last page.

(2) The Postmaster will compare the balance at credit of the depositor as entered in the new pass book with the closing balance in the old pass book and in CBS system and attest it. He will also sign the entry “Cancelled” in the first page and the entries regarding cancellation and issue of a fresh pass book in the last page of the used up pass book.

(3) The new pass book along with the used up pass book will then be delivered to the depositor/ messenger after obtaining from him a receipt in the following form on a blank piece of paper.

“Received back the used up pass book of Account No._____________ which has been cancelled, along with the fresh pass book issued in lieu thereof bearing the same Account Number.”

(Name of depositor/messenger in block letters)
Signature of depositor or/messenger

The receipt will be date-stamped and filed in a separate guard file.

(4) In case of an account standing at Branch Office in direct account with the Head Office, a new pass book along with the used up pass book after action has been taken in accordance with the preceding paras should be sent to the sub/branch office concerned under entry in the SB/BO Slip as the case may be.

(5) Departmental Sub Offices:- In the sub offices procedure to be followed by the Head Office will be followed mutatis mutandis. In the case of an account standing open at the branch office in account with the sub office, the used up pass book will be received from the branch office for the issue of fresh pass book. The new pass book along with the used-up pass book, after action has been taken in accordance with the preceding para, will be sent to the branch office concerned duly entered in BO Slip for the delivery to the depositor.

(6) Branch Offices:- Branch offices will collect used-up pass book and sent to the account office duly entered on the reverse of the BO daily account. After delivery of the fresh and used-up pass books to the depositor, the receipt SB-28 will be pasted to the office copy. The note regarding delivery of the fresh pass book to the depositor will also be made in the BO SB Journal against the entry relating to the last transaction in the account.


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