Revised calendar of Examinations scheduled to be held for the year 2020
1. All Heads of Circles
2. Additional Director Genernl, APS, New Delhi
End: As above

No. A.34012/1012019-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Mimeo, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-01, Date:14 /0812020
To1. All Heads of Circles
2. Additional Director Genernl, APS, New Delhi
Subject: Revised calendar of Examinations scheduled to he held for the year 2020.Madam/Sir
I am directed to refer to DoP letter of even no. dated 01st June 2020 and email communication from this office on 23st June 2020 and to forward herewith duly approved revised Calendar of Examination to be held for the year 2020.
2. Other instructions, as mentioned in DoP letter dated 01st June 2020. will remain unchanged.
3. Contents of this letter may be circulated to all subordinate Units for information of nil concerned.
You faithfully
Prem T N
Director (DE)

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