Problems and difficulties encountered by the beneficiaries of CGHS: NCCPA Letter

Problems and difficulties encountered by the beneficiaries of CGHS: NCCPA Letter to JCM for onward transmission to Health Secretary on CGHS

NCCPA has written a letter to Comrade Shiv Gopal Mishra for onward transmission to Health Secretary on CGHS related issues as discussed in the Executive meeting of NCCPA by video conference and provided by affiliates including AIPRPA. The Draft letter is as follows:


E mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 10th August, 2020
Dear Comrade,
Kindly refer to the discussions, we had at the NE meting of the NCCPA, which you presided over. On the basis of the feed back, I have prepared a draft letter to be sent to the Secretary, Pension, GOI, New Delhi. I am sending the same along with. Kindly go through the same and send the letter to the Secretary if you find it alright.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
(Draft letter)

The Secretary,
Health Government of India,
Sardar Patel Bhawan,
New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Problems and difficulties encountered by the beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme.

We detail hereunder certain issues pertaining to the difficulties encountered by the beneficiaries of CGHS both the pensioners and the working employees. We solicit your kind attention to the minutes of the last meeting, the JCM Staff Side had with your predecessor when some of the issues were discussed. It was agreed that the periodical meeting to resolve the problems of beneficiaries of CHGS would be convened to subject these maters to discussion and resolution thereof. We shall be grateful if such a meeting is convened as early as possible so that these issues along with the pending matters could be discussed and amicable settlement reached.

1. Consultation with Specialists:

Many beneficiaries, mostly the pensioners, require constant consultation with the specialists, especially those requiring treatment from cardiologists, Urologists, Nephrologists, Ophthalmologists, Paediatrician, Gynaecologists etc. Except on the initial occasion, a reference from the doctors of the concerned dispensaries may be dispensed with. They may be allowed to have direct consultation with the specialists from the empanelled lists. The beneficiaries may also be allowed to seek consultation with the specialists from their private clinics and consultation rooms.

2. Private hospitals are recognised for in-patient treatment for the benefit of the CGEs working in non-CGHS localities. These hospitals may be recognised for in- patient treatment of CGHS beneficiaries on the basis of a pre determined charges.

3. The treatment of Covid-19 patients in Private hospitals are now permitted. It is stated that the concerned State Governments must in consultation with the Private Hospital Associations, fix the charges for various treatments connected with Covid-19. While some of the State Government have done this, many are yet to enter into such agreements. Wherever, such agreements are not entered, the CGHS beneficiaries are made to suffer. The private hospitals charge exhorbitantly and the Government has decided to reimburse only at the rate agreed upon by the State Government or What the Delhi Govt. Has stipulated. The employees and pensioners should not be made to suffer on account of the non adherence of the instructions and directives of the Government of India by the private hospitals especially in the pandemic situation. The Government has to arm itself with the powers even to close down such hospitals which do not abide by the directive of the Government or else the beneficiaries be reimbursed with the full amount they had paid to the private hospitals.

4. Many pensioner beneficiaries have complained of the inordinate delay in settling the bills submitted for reimbursement. It is requested that the Government must fix a time frame say one month for scrutiny and payment of the bills. Any delay beyond the stipulated period must bear interest to be recovered from the person responsible for the delay.

5. In many CGHS dispensaries, the services of a Gynaecologist is seldom available. It is appreciated that it might not be possible at all time. In such cases, our suggestion is that the Government should recognise a panel of Gynaecologists in such towns. The beneficiaries may be permitted to have consultation with them by payment of the prescribed fees, which might be reimbursed.

6. The CGHS took over the Postal dispensaries . However, there is acute shortage of staff in these dispensaries. The shortage threatens the very functioning of these units. It is requested that the concerned Addl. Directors may be permitted to recruit personnel on temporary basis till permanent arrangements are made.

7. The North Eastern Region is a far flung area with difficult terrain with little travel and communication facilities. To cater to the requirement of the pensioners and employees of this vast region, presently there is only one CGHS centre located at Guwahati. Taking into account the very peculiar situation in this region, the Government may kindly consider setting up dispensaries or CGHS centres in all the State capitals of the NE Region.

8. The number of units under CGHS which practices the alternate medical systems, viz. Ayurveda, Homeopathy, unani etc. Is very few. Of late the people have started evincing confidence in the alternate medical system. Some of the medicines prescribed under those systems have been found to be very effective in curing certain chronic diseases. It is, therefore, requested that more and more units under the alternate medical system is opened at CGHS centres. It is also reported that certain medical preparations are available in the alternate medical system, which boosts the immunity system. The veracity of this may please be enquired and if found to be appropriate, the Doctors may be allowed to prescribe those remedies in the treatment of Covid19.

9. In the State of Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh and in certain other States too, there are no offices of the Additional Directors. The absence of an Additional Director creates difficulties to the beneficiaries, especially the pensioners. We request that a policy decision may be taken to have the office of the Additional Director CGHS at all State Capitals.

10. The wellness centre at Vijayawada, in Andhra Pradesh is presently located in a building owned by the City Corporation. As part of the renovation exercise, the space occupied by the CGHS dispensary has become unfit for its functioning. There is no water supply and the washrooms are demolished. The Centre has to be shifted at-least temporarily and the Pensioners Association at Vijayawada has suggested to shift the dispensary to the vacant BSNL. Quarters. We request you to kindly direct the concerned Additional Director to make arrangements for the shifting of the dispensary.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Shiv Gopal Misra,
Secretary Staff Side JCM.


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