Preventive measures to contain COVID-19 | important measures to be taken in Telangana Circle

The Postmaster General,
Hyderabad Iteglon / Head Quarters Region.

No. ST/COVID-19/2020/Vol.11/(pt.2) dated at Hyderabad — 500 001 the  16.07.2020.

Sub : Preventive measures to contain COVID-19 — Important measures to be taken — Reg. Ref : Memorandum No. PICA/Memorandum on Covid-19/AgitatiOn dated 29.06.2020.
A copy of the memorandum dated 29.06.2020 given by the Postal JCA, Telangana Circle is sent herewith for information and necessary action. The following further clarifications are issued on the issues raised in the Memorandum for guidance.

SI.No. Issues raised in the memorandum Redressal of the issue
1 (a)  Door to door delivery of articles should be kept on hold and they may be delivered in the PO as was done in lock down All activities are permitted under the guidelines for phased re-opening (UNLOCK-2) except some specified activities in which door to door delivery by Postal Dept. is not included vide Directorate letter no. Z-92011/25/2020-Coord.,O&M dated 30.06.2020. However, no such delivery will be undertaken in Containment zones.
1 (b)  Stop delivery of all accountable articles by delivery app until    the   situation improves. As per the Instructions contained in Directorate letter no. 30-01/2020-0 dated 03.06.2020, instructions have already been issued to all the Divisions that the PMA should be used in all delivery beats without getting the signature of the addressees in PMA. Signatures of addressees, however, should be taken on the hard copy of Delivery slips and the same to be scanned and uploaded.
2 All Head Offices, delivery offices, RMS Offices etc. should be sanitized daily by providing funds at the disposal of the head of office Necessary       instructions    have      been    issued    to ensure sanitization of all Head Offices and important postoffices, vide this office letter no. ST/COVID-19/2020/Vol.11(pt.) dated 07.07.2020. The expenditure may be met from DO-OE, PO-OE.
3 50% staff only should be brought on duty by following  the roster in all offices Lock down Is limited to Containment zones only as         per latest     instructions    communicated    vide Directorate           letter         n o.Z-92011/25/2020-
Coord./O&M dated 30.06.2020.
4 (a) Personal Protection Equipment such as hand washes, individual sanitize, Face masks, gloves, Face Shields etc should be supplied to all staff as it is not Possible for them to purchase, and also not available locally. Instructions have been issued to all the Divisional Heads to ensure supply of Personal Protection Equipment such as sanitirers, mask, gloves to the staff. It is ascertained from all the Divisional heads that hendwashes/sanitizers/Bloves/Mask, have been supplied to all the staff. However, instructions are Issued again to the Divisional heads to supply along with face shields wherever required
4 (b) Supply  of Thermal Scanners  to  all offices. Instructions Issued to all concerned to procure
thermal scanners and supply to all Head Post
offices   and major post offices vide this office letter no.ST/COVID.19/2020/Vol.11/(Pt.)           dated 10.07.2020.
5 (a) Orders may be issued ta all divisional heads to grant Special leave to all whom positive Reported, Home Quarantine/ Containment as advised by Doctor No specific Instructions are available for grant   of special leave to the officials who reported COVID19 positive. However, this will be taken up with Directorate for further instructions.
Orders are already been issued to permit the officials who have been advised home quarantine / isolation by authorized Doctor to work from home, if they are physically capable to perform work.
The attendance of the officials from Containment Zone will be regulated as per the instructions contained in the Directorate Letter no.z-92011/25/2020-Coord./O&M dated 30.06.2020
5 (b) Regularization of leave period to the officials who could not attend duty due to lockdown or non-availability of transport facilities. No instructions for grant of special leave are received from the Directorate. Eligible leave is being granted for reguia rization of absence of the officials who could not attend duty due to lock down or non.availability of transport facilities.
6 (a) All transactions Involving biometric applications should     be   stopped including Asara Pension  Payments, Aadhar enrolment etc. LAadhar Enrolments have been stopped until further orders at all the Postoffices which are Identified as Aadhar centers. However, the directions issued for daily sync of the station should be continued as per the instructions issued from time ta time.
a   part  of        essential   services   provider, AEPS/Aasara payments are to be continued in the interest of poor people. The Snot concerned may be directed to Issue appreciation letters to all those end users who performed ASARA, AEPS, PMAs transaction and other good work on front line as they are "OAK CORONA WARRIORS..
6 (b) Imposition of  unrealistic  targets   to open IPPB  accounts and payments under AEPS In Corona affected areas containment zone Targets are given by Directorate. No transactions are enforced in containment area.
6 (c) stop all establishemnet reviews during this period baed on latest statistics Establishment reviews of 2019-2020 where statistics have already been collected are only being conduted and the establishment reviews of the current year i.e 2020-2021 are not being taken up as of now
7 Payment of pending outsourcing bills to outsouring /contingent officials The SPOs concened may be directed to dispose those bills promptly
As per SoP dated 04.07.2020 issued by Ministry of Health & family welfare, circulated under DoP&T 0.M No. 11013/9/2014.Estt.A.III dated OS.00.2020 endorsed by  Dirctorate vide letter No. 92011/30/3020.Coord./0 and M dated 08.06.2020, circumstances under which the work place has to be closed is furnished hereunder, for necessary guidance:
  1. If there are one or two cases reported, the disinfection procedure will be limited to places/areas visited by the patient in past 98 hrs. There is no need to close the entire office building/halt work In other areas of the office and work can be resumed after disinfection as per laid down protocol.
  2. However, if there is a larger outbreak, the building/block will have to be closed for 48 hours alter thorough disinfection. All the staff will work from home, till the building/block is adequately disinfected and is declared fit for re-occupation.
Assistant Director (Staff)
O/o CPMG, Telangana Cirde, Hyderabad-500001
Copy to:
  1. Sri SSRA Prasad, Convener NFPE, Postal /CA, Telangana Circle.
  2. G Shenker Gaud, Convener, FNPO, Postal /CA, Telangana Circle.
  3. Sri M.S.Balg, Convener, BPEF, PostaliCA,Telangana
Assistant Director (Staff)
O/o CPMG, Telangana Cirde, Hyderabad-500001


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