Night Duty Allowance Calculation
Night Duty allowance will be calculated as per following method, the following 4 values required to calculate NDA
1. Weightage Hours
Weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between 22:00 Hrs and 06:00 Hrs will be taken for calculation of payment of NDA, which means In the Night Duty every one hour is considered as 10 minutes to calculate NDA
Example, an employee worked 8 hours in Night Duty, then weightage hours will be 80 minutes (10 Mins x 8 hours)
2. Basic Pay
3. Dearness Allowance
4. No of Night Duty Hours
Formula to Calculate Night Duty Allowance
Night Duty Allowance (NDA) = [(Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance) / 200]
Night Duty Allowance Calculation Method
Example :
Basic Pay : 20300
Current DA : 17% (20300 x 17% = 3451 )
No of NDA Hrs : 80 Mins. (8 Hrs)
NDA = [(20300+3451) / 200]
NDA = 120 per hour
For 8 Hours = 120 x 8
Total NDA Per Day = Rs. 960
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