AIPEU CHQ writes to Department on rejection of OMR sheets by the machine in evaluation of Marks for 390 Candidates due to Error in OMR Sheet and Discrepancies in final key answer of IP Exam results and Declaration of Result after rectification.

Ref: P/4-1/Examination Dated – 06.07.2020
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Rejection of OMR sheets by the machine in evaluation of Marks for 390 Candidates due to Error in OMR Sheet and Discrepancies in final key answer of IP Exam results and Declaration of Result after rectification.
Ref: - Dte. letter F. No. A-34013/01/2020-DE of Govt. of India, Ministry of Communications Dated 24.06.2020.
Apropos reference, it is dismayed to note the following discrepancies in the valuation of the IP examination and the results declared thereon.
- While declaring the results, a clear injustice had been caused to 390 candidates whose exam papers have been rejected and not taken for the valuation of marks due to error in OMR sheets of the candidates bythe machine. The fault in the machine cannot be a ruse to deny the fair chances of the officials and in such a case, a remedial and redressal mechanism should have been made to consider the plight of those candidates. Simply declaring non consideration of them due to machine fault is against to the principle of natural law. Remedy should have been made first before implementing the results.
- Out of the 390 candidates, 36 candidates belong to Tamilnadu Circle. Some of them are intimated that due to self-valuation of their marks with reference to the answer keys scoring better marks than to the candidates declared qualified. It is learnt that four officials have already represented on this score from the Tamilnadu circle.
- As alleged, no evaluation of marks by the machine due to error in OMR sheets is incorrect. For assessing the actual marks,manual valuation of the marks in re3spect of affected candidates including all 390 candidates listed in Annexure –V should be processed and announcement of results should be made accordingly in order to ensure protect the safeguard of the outstanding candidates. Till resolving such this, it is requested that action may be made to put on hold the results declared.
- Secondly there are discrepancies in uploading the final key answer. It has many discrepancies and those discrepancies have certainly altered in the final outcome of Result. Hence, unless this issue is clarified the result may also kindly be put on hold. Some of the discrepancies are given below.
1 | 102 | 101 | 103 | 108 | SHE TAKES GREAT PRIDE….HERWORK | B | B | C | C | |
(A)WITH | ||||||||||
(B)IN | ||||||||||
(C)AT | ||||||||||
(D) NONE OF THE ABOVE | ||||||||||
2 | 106 | 102 | 104 | 109 | DVDS ARE….RESISTANT TO SCRATCHING…VINYL RECORDS | D | D | A | C | |
(A)MUCH/THAN | ||||||||||
(B)SO/AS | ||||||||||
(C)SUCH/THAT | ||||||||||
(D) FAR MORE/THAN | ||||||||||
3 | 110 | 103 | 105 | 110 | WHAT WILL SHE DO ALL DAY IF SHE LEFT ALL…… | C | C | B | B | |
(A)HERSELF | ||||||||||
(B)HER | ||||||||||
(C)BY HERSELF | ||||||||||
(D) NONE OF THE ABOVE | ||||||||||
4 | 104 | 109 | 106 | 101 | …FRIEND IN NEED IS….FRIEND INDEED | A | B | D | A | |
(A)A/A | ||||||||||
(B)THE/THE | ||||||||||
(C)A/THE | ||||||||||
(D) THE/A | ||||||||||
5 | 108 | 110 | 107 | 102 | IT…EASY TO PAINT PICTURES IF YOU KNEW HOW TO | A | A | C | A | |
(A)WOULD BE | ||||||||||
(B)HAD BEEN | ||||||||||
(C)HAVE BEEN | ||||||||||
(D) WOULD HAVE BEEN | ||||||||||
6 | 101 | 104 | 108 | 105 | THE CAR CAME ROUND THE CORNER ….FULL SPEED | C | C | C | A | |
A)WITH | ||||||||||
(B)IN | ||||||||||
(C)AT | ||||||||||
(D) NONE OF THE ABOVE | ||||||||||
7 | 105 | 105 | 109 | 106 | RAM MAY BE FASTER THAN SHYAM, BUT KRISHNA IS THE…AMONG ALL | C | C | A | C | |
A)FAST | ||||||||||
(B)FASTER | ||||||||||
(C)FASTEST | ||||||||||
(D) NONE OF THE ABOVE | ||||||||||
8 | 109 | 106 | 110 | 107 | THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A DISASTER, IF THE EARTH QUAKE…LONGER | B | D | A | A | |
A)LASTED | ||||||||||
(B)HAD LASTED | ||||||||||
(C)LASTS | ||||||||||
(D) HAVE LASTED | ||||||||||
9 | 103 | 107 | 101 | 103 | THIS IS …BEST ODISSI RESTAURANT IN CHENNAI | C | B | C | A | |
A)A | ||||||||||
(B)AN | ||||||||||
(C)THE | ||||||||||
(D) NO ARTICLE | ||||||||||
10 | 107 | 108 | 102 | 104 | HE CARRIED CROCKERY IN A…MANNER | A | B | A | C | |
A)CAREFUL | ||||||||||
(B)CAREFULNESS | ||||||||||
(C)CAREFULLY | ||||||||||
(D) CAREFULLER | ||||||||||
11 | 111 | 113 | 111 | 112 | OPPOSITE WORD OF POTENT | C | A | A | B | |
(A)STRONG | ||||||||||
(B)FRAGILE | ||||||||||
(C)WEAK | ||||||||||
(D) POWERFUL | ||||||||||
12 | 115 | 114 | 112 | 113 | OPPOSITE WORD OF ROTUND | A | A | C | D | |
(A)THIN | ||||||||||
(B)ROUND | ||||||||||
(C)HOPEFUL | ||||||||||
(DACTIVE | ||||||||||
13 | 114 | 111 | 113 | 115 | OPPOSITE WORD ABATE | C | C | C | C | |
(A)FREE | ||||||||||
(B)WANE | ||||||||||
(C)INTENSIFY | ||||||||||
(D)PROVOKE | ||||||||||
14 | 112 | 115 | 114 | 111 | OPPOSITE WORD OF CESSATION |
A | A | B | B | |
(A)COMMENCEMENT | ||||||||||
(B)ONGOING | ||||||||||
(C)INTERUPTION | ||||||||||
(D)REVISION | ||||||||||
15 | 113 | 112 | 115 | 114 | OPPOSITE WORD OF LUMINOUS | B | A | B | C | |
(A)CLEAR | ||||||||||
(B)DIM | ||||||||||
(C)BRITTLE | ||||||||||
(D)CLEVER | ||||||||||
All the 15 questions are one and the same in both A and D series. But, the final key answer is different. This discrepancy certainly altered the final outcome of the Result.
- Further, in the Directorate letter u/r intimated that in paper I-twelve questions, Paper-II-eleven questions, Paper-III-four questions and in Paper-IV-nine questions have been ignored and full marks have been awarded to all the candidates. This procedure followed is against the established norm of Examinations in the Country. When a question is wrong, answer is wrong or any such discrepancies noticed in such cases, the marks will be awarded to such candidate, who has attempted to answer it. This method has been upheld by many High Courts in the Country. But, now Directorate deviated the established convention and awarded 72 marks to all the candidates. Thus, there is every possibility a person who would have not been successful might have successful, because of this erroneous method. This Decision may not withstand the scrutiny of the law of the land. Basically, 36 questions of 72 marks found to be ambiguous, have more than one answer etc., itself is not legally correct. Later ignoring those questions and awarding equal marks to one and all may be another issue seems to take away the legality of this result.
It is therefore requested to kindly look into this issue seriously and take necessary action and cause immediate solutions in this regard and declare the result after rectification.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary
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