Circle Union writes to NFPE for uniform implementation of Directorate guidelines to continue the existing Group Leaders as DO (PLI) for next 3 years
No. P3NFPE-Odisha/06 - 07/2020
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 19th July, 2020
Com. R N Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE
North Avenue P O Building, New Delhi – 110 001
Sub:- Uniform implementation of Directorate guidelines to continue the existing Group Leaders as DO (PLI) for next 3 years
Ref:- PLI Directorate letter dated 19.6.2020 and 26.6.2020 in File No:- 28-02/2019-LI
Respected Comrade,
This is regarding the new promotional and incentive structure of PLI/RPLI, circulated vide PLI Directorate OM No.28-3/2019-LI dated 19.6.2020 and subsequent clarifications on 26.6.2020 and 30.6.2020.
As per Para-3 (i) of clarification dated 26.6.2020 “The existing Group Leaders in a circle will continue to work as a Development Officer under the new promotional structure w.e.f 01.07.2020.”
As per Para-3 (ii) of clarification dated 26.6.2020. “These Group leaders will work as Development Officers for a period of 3 years w.e.f 1.7.2020 and after completion of 3 years, their tenure will be regulated in terms of Para 8 of Annexure –II of aforementioned OM dated 19.6.2020”.
Further, in replying to certain queries raised by some Circles, the Directorate once again clarified the position vide its letter dated 26.06.2020 reiterating the instructions under Para 3(I) and 3 (II) of PLI Directorate Letter F.No-28-03/2019-LI (1) dated 26.6.2020 and Para 8 under Annexure II of letter dated 19.6.2020.
As such, it is evident that all the existing GLs will continue for three years with effect from 01.07.2020 as DO (PLI) without any confusion.
But unfortunately, complying to the above guidelines, while some Circles like Delhi, Maharastra, MP, Odisha and West Bengal etc have issued orders to continue the existing GLs, some Circles like Kerala, Gujarat and Karnataka etc have reverted the existing GLs on the plea that they are not working in their parent divisions.
In this connection, we are attaching such orders collected from some Circles for immediate reference. While some existing GLs are deprived of continuing as D.O (PLI) in the divisions where they are working now, some GLs are top performers in their own Circles.
Therefore, it is requested to appraise the Directorate to guide all Circle Heads for uniform implementation of the above orders / clarifications and allow all the existing GLs to continue for next 3 years as DO (PLI) without any confusion.
With regards.
Attached : As above
Comradely yours,
(Bruhaspati Samal)
Circle Secretary
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