Some Important correspondence to Department of Posts : AIPEU-P3 CHQ

Some Important correspondence to Department of Posts : AIPEU-P3 CHQ

Sub: - Irregular imposition of penalty on officials of Bastar Division (CG) for delay in filing of returns under 24Q & 26Q of Income Tax act. 
It has been brought to our notice that some officials of Baster notice to pay the penalty imposed on them for delay in filing the returns under 24Q & 26 Q of Income Tax act (Copies of notices enclosed herwith) In this connection it is worth mentioning the amount of TDS is tran adjustment. There is no delay in transfer of amount. The delay in filing the returns may be condoned. It is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instructions to Chief PMG up the matter with higher authorities of income Tax Department and get it settled so that the poor employees should not be penalized. An early action is highly solicited. 

With regards, 
Yours sincerely,
 (R. N. Parashar) General Secretary 
Copy to: - Circle Secretary, Chhattisgarh Divisional Secretary, Bastar Press

Sub: - Relaxation of eligibility of service condition for promotion to the cadre of HSG-II & HSG-I – reg.
This is pertaining to reiterate our continuous demand of Relaxation of eligibility service condition for promotion to the cadre of HSG-II & HSG-I Posts. After math of Cadre restructuring in Group ‘C’ implemented in 2017, the LSG Posts are filled in timely manner whereas more than 75% of HSG-II & HSG-I Posts are kept vacant. The sanctioned HSG-II and HSG-I Posts are 9101 & 2853 respectively after the cadre merger of Postmaster cadre with General line. The administration needs to take care of the real workforce root cause for effective functioning and face to face contact with the public/customers.

The shortage of such 75% supervisors is being managed with the existing other cadres like LSG and PAs. The possibility of filling up of all HSG-I and HSG-II posts to be explored in a war footing manner is the need of the hour. This union suggests the following options which can resolve the issue of keeping the HSG-I and HSG-II posts in vacant exorbitantly large.
(a) The eligibility service condition may be relaxed to 50% as a one-time measure or till such a time to all the vacant HSG-II Posts are filled in.
(b) Even after this exercise, the unfilled vacant HSG-I Posts can be operated at the level of HSG-II till such a time the incumbent gets regular promotion to the cadre of HSG-I. Already this provision is in existence in the HSG-I RR. The same analogy may be adopted for HSG-II posts also.
It is a deep concern to this union that all the executive posts are in over flow which is really not needed in the changed scenario of Technology induction like CBS, CIS and (SAP)CSI but the field cadre like HSG-II and HSG-I are kept predominantly vacant will make over department in a fix. In another angle in the staff point of view, despite cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’, the senior most LSG officials could not taste the fruit of getting promotion to the cadre of HSG-II till their retirement for want of qualifying service despite there is no financial implications at all. Hence it is requested to initiate suitable action to fill up all the HSG-I & HSG-II Posts without further procrastination

Sub: - Suggestions to improve the customer service offered in the POs – reg.

This is with regard to providing a better customer service in the Post Office to compete with the other banks and financial institutions in respect of SB related works. As we are all know that the customer satisfaction era is over and we are living in the customer delight ear which is very much emerging and offered by the other banks and financial institutions in the market and it is the need of the hour to change ourselves also to compete with these counterparts. The following suggestion may be taken up with appropriate level to bring radical changes in the department on the approach made to the customer not only will change the face of the DOP but also will bring more revenue to our fold.

01. Provision of regional language in the call centre In Post Offices, the customers are approaching the counter staff in the busy counter hours for enquiry of Savings Bank products. It is quite obvious that deployment of staff for the enquiry purpose alone is not possible in now a days due to the prevailing acute shortage .As staff working in the counter are already bundled with many works they could not able to cater the needs of the customers which may made the customers to think otherwise. The toll free number already introduced by the department may be used for this purpose instead of providing manpower and also a provision for giving information in the regional languages may be introduced to meet the local people also. It is pertinent to mention that as of now the languages are given only in English and Hindi will not serve for the entire public community pan India and the inclusion of regional language must be initiated to popularize the call center to the members of public.

02. Provision of pass book kiosk in all Head Post Offices and bigger offices. Now a days due to stern effort of our staff the number of live accounts is increased to many folds and almost doubled every year. The interest earned from TD/MIS/SCSS are being credited to the respective savings bank account daily and the auto credit from SB to RD is also increasing day by day. The transactions are done through auto transfer facility, but the customers are approaching daily at the SB counters for entry of pass books as and when the credit is given to verify their request and to authenticate the same with entry in the pass book. The entry of pass book is a unique work now being obsolete in many of the nationalized and private banks and the relevance of Pass book in Post Offices is a un detachable one. If the customer is approaching the SB counter in the busy hours, the entries willnot be made instantaneously and the customers are asked to approach the office by evening or next day or at an time convenience to them. The present PB printers both lipi and Olivetti supplied to the counters are not sufficient as the printing speed does not comply with the customer satisfaction and this become an emerging issue now a days. If the dissatisfied customer made complaint with the administration then the problem multiplies for the counter staff. Hence it is requested to provide a pass book printing kiosk ( Automatic printing of Pass Books ) to all the Head Post Offices and bigger offices immediately to enable the customer to attend the work on their own will not only reduce the work load but also make the customer very happy.

03. Acceptance of PPF deposits in “C” Class Offices. The PPF accounts are now being opened in the offices of status “B” and above. Even in the CBS environment the subsequent deposits are not being accepted in the “C “Class offices. Though the opening of accounts is restricted according to the status of the offices, the subsequent deposits may be allowed to be accepted in all the departmental sub offices irrespective of the status of the office. This will definitely improve the satisfaction of the customer and will enable the customer to cross sell the DOP products to the customer attending for the subsequent deposits. It is therefore requested to kindly issue suitable instructions to all concerned in this regard.

Sub: - Generation of Finacle reports and its restriction - regarding

It is brought to our notice that the generation of Finacle Report has been limited to five per 60 minutes. The restrictions will hamper the services in bigger offices where more than three PAs are working. For generation of BO, SB, RD,SSA, TD, SDP reports a minimum of eight numbers (4 Schemes x 2 = 8) and further for the generation of SO Reports for SB, RD, SSA, PPF, MIS, SI Entries, TD, SCSS Schemes, it would be another 16 numbers of reports should be taken. 

(8 Schemes x 2 Nos = 16). Thus a minimum of 24 reports have required to be taken in an office. In respect of single handed post offices, it is told that 20 reports have to be taken to complete the work. Hence, user needs to wait atleast in an office unnecessarily only for taking Finacle reports even they are using CPA and Supervisor ID. It is need to enhance to increase the number to 20 per user which will avoid unnecessary stayal in the office. It is requested to consider and cause appropriate orders at the earliest.

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