Kindly refer to the SB Order No. 17/2020, issued vide this office letter No. 25/08/2012-FS (CBS) dated 15.04.2020 on the subject cited above. This office has been receiving references to incorporate additional facilities available on Post Office Savings Account in the "Application for Opening of Account/Purchase of certificate" form.
2. After examining the issue, the competent authority has decided to incorporate the various facilities available for Post Office Savings Account customers in "Application for Opening of Account /Purchase of certificate" form for benefits of the depositors and ease of operation. Accordingly the following column added in the form.
3. Revised "Application for Account Opening/Purchase of Certificate" form along with prescribed form to avail above facilities is enclosed for information and further necessary action.
4. lt is requested to circulate this SB Order along with copy of Forms enclosed to all concerned for information and necessary action. The same may also be placed on the notice boards of the Post Offices in public area
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