The Chief Postmster General,
Tamlnadu Circle
Chennai -600 002
Shri G Kannan, Circle Secretary, AIPEU-PM &MTS,
Tamilnadu Circle.Chennai-000014
No.REP/2-MISC/2020 datedat Chennai-600 002 the 09.06.2020.
Sub: Request for inclusion of Unanticipated Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant vacancies of the year 2019 lor the LGO Examination held on 15.09.2019/09.02.2020 reg.
Ref: Your letter No. NFPE P4/TN/CPMG/LGO 2019/2020 dated 05.06.2020
Kindly refer to the above cited letter in this connection, I am directed to inform that, the unanticipated vacancies in PA/SA cadre of the year 2019 could not be included to the DP Quota vacancies of the year 2019 due to the following reasons:
(i)As the vacancies of the year 2019 were called for from the Regions/Units fixing last date as 19.03.2019, the Regions/Units could furnish the firm vacancies of the year 2019 till 31.12.2019 and unanticipated vacancies of the year 2019 till February 2019 only. Hence, vacancies till the date of assessment were included in 2019 assessment and notified for the LDCE LGO Examination held on 15.09.2019/ 09.02.2020. As per DOPT instructions, notificd vacancies cannot be altered after declaration of results of an examination.
(ii) The vacancies which arise due to declination of Pronotion to LSG cadre in the year 2019could not he included in the same year, as LSG post of a particular Division can be filled by PA of any postal Division which can be assessed only alter joining of a particular PA to LSG post.
(iii) In the previous years i.e., till 2017, vacancies of the particular years will be filled up only in the next recruitment year, whereas from 2018, examination for the DP Quota vacancies is being conducted on the same recruitment year(lor 2018 DP Quota vacancies I.DCE LGO examination was conducted on 09.12.2018 and for 2019 on 15.09.2019/09.02.2020), Hence assessment of vacancies is being done early and the unanticiapted vacancies of the same year could not done in the same year recruitment.
Yours faithfully
Asst. Director(Rectt)
for Chief Postnaster General
Tamilnadu Circle,Chennai 600 002.
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