Probation / Confirmation of Direct Recruit Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts 04-06-2020
File No.W-04/2/2020-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
The Chief Postmasters General, All Postal Circles.
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001,
Date: 04.06.2020
Subject: Probation/Confirmation of Direct Recruit Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts- reg.
References have been received from Circles seeking guidance on such cases where Direct Recruit Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants failed to successfully pass the mandatory induction training.
2. In this connection attention is invited to Directorate's letter No. 37- 47/2010-SPB-I dated 16.04.2015 which provides that a. If any Direct Recruit PAs/SAs (on probation) is unable to clear the tests in the first attempt, he/she may be given two more chances to pass the tests. These three chances (including first chance during training) may be held/conducted within the two year mandatory probation period. In the interregnum, such PA/SA may be posted temporarily to a Post Office/RMS office against a non-sensitive post. b. Before the third chance is given to a PA/SA, who has failed in two attempts, he/she may be given a written warning to the effect that his/her failure in mandatory test does not justify his/her confirmation in the service and that, unless he/she showed substantial, improvement within a specified period and clears the test, the issue of terminating him from service will be considered. c. If any PA/SA is still unable to clear the Tests in three attempts within two years, the probation period in his/her case will be extended by six months during which time he/she shall have to mandatorily pass the tests. For such PAs/SAs, whose probation period has been extended by six months due to failure to pass the tests, a qualifying test will also be introduced which will be in addition to the existing tests. The modalities of such qualifying test will be prepared/finalized by the Training Division of the Postal Directorate. d. In case he/she passes the required tests and qualifying test and has also acted/performed satisfactorily during the entire period of probation including extension also, he/she may be declared to have successfully completed probation period and may be confirmed in service by the DCC. e. If a PA/SA again fails in the tests and/or does not pass the qualifying test, the services of such temporary Direct Recruit PA/SA shall be terminated.
3. It is once again reiterated that before the third chance is given to a PA/SA, who has failed in two attempts, he/she may be given a written warning to the effect that his/her failure in mandatory test does not justify his/her confirmation in the service and that, unless he/she showed substantial improvement within a specified period and clears the test, the issue of terminating him/her from service will be considered. Further, if a PA/SA again fails in the tests and/or does not pass the qualifying test, the services of such temporary Direct Recruit PA/SA shall be terminated.
4. Circles are requested to take action on the above subject as per the provisions of aforesaid letter No. 37-47/2010-SPB-I dated 16.04.2015.
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