Functioning of post offices in Delhi circle – COVID 19
All head of units(Postal/RMS)
Delhi Postal Circle
No. PO-5 /Misc. COVID-19 instructions/2019-2020. Dated: 10.06.2020
Subject: Functioning of post offices in Delhi circle
Dear ma’am/sir
This is in continuation of this office letter of even No. Dated 14.05.2020 vide which the guidelines for functioning of post offices was issued. Keeping in view the infrastructure of post offices, COVID-19 can spread relatively faster among officials, staffs and visitors. There is the need to rationalize the working hours/ days of the post offices. In view of number of Corona positive cases and officials have quarantined the following has been decided to contain the spread of COVID-19 in post offices (except the post offices located in hotspots/containment zones sealed by the Govt.of NCT Delhi closed for specific reasons):-
- Head post offices shall be functional for five days in a week(Monday to Friday) for the general public, however, the treasury/sub account will also be functional on the sixth day of the week to avoid any inconvenience to the Post offices attached to the particular Head Post Offices. Fifth and sixth day will be for fumigation,sanitization etc.
- HSG I&HSG II Post Offices shall be functional for three consecutive days in a week and at least 50% of the HSG I & HSG II Post Offices in a particular division should be functional on a particular day.
- Function of single & double handed Post Offices will be decided by the Heads of Unit depending on grievances and requirements of the agents and Post Offices which have been not opened so far and deposit have to be made before 30th June,2020.
- 50% of delivery staff should be called for the delivery of mails on odd & even basis. It should be ensured that the mail available in the post office on the particular day should be delivered and no beat should be remained unattended for delivery. Remaining 50% delivery staff will attend office on next day of functioning of Post Offices.
- All mail should be sorted on the day of receipt in the Post Offices and delivered. Outsourced staff should be called as per requirements.
- BNPL & BPC customers be informed of days in which their mail will be booked in coordinate manner. A special delivery of mail to government department and organization may be organized, if needed.
- A notice board should also be displayed at the post offices mentioning the following:-
“ This Post Office is closed due to COVID-19 case/Suspected case”.
You may avail postal services from_______Post Office. Inconvenience caused is regretted
- HoUs should ensure that the roster of the functioning of Post Offices be prepared in such a way so that the availability of Postal Services is ensured within 5 kms. Further, the counter operations should be functional fully on the day of functioning of Post Offices with normal working hours.
- Fumigation/sanitization of the Post Offices should also be ensured on regular intervals. HOs/GPOs must be fumigated on Saturday or Sunday invariably.
- These orders will be effective from 11.06.2020
Asstt. Director(PO& Coord)
Copy to:-
- PS to CPMG Delhi Circle
- PS to PMG(M&BD/PMG(O),Delhi Circle
- PS to DOS(O&HQ)/FPS(M&BD),Delhi Circle
- All Group Officers, O/o CPMG, Delhi Circle
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