1. IPPB related button are disabled or not visible.
Sol kindly run daily sync to get it enabled, then kindly install SSL_Certificate.
2. Connection timed out error in POS IPPB Option. What can i do ?
Soln. IPPB related port opening night have not happened or some issue with network of that office, please check with IPPB team.
3. "Connection timed out : SSL handshake Exception" error message. How can resolve?
Soln. Please install SSL_Certificate by following steps.
- Go to 'C:\POS\Application\Counter\build\ssl_cert'
- Run 'start_ssl_install.bat'
- Click on 'save &install'
4. Any error message starting with "IPPB Error" for ex. IPPB ERROR: enter correct facility id"
Soln. These kind of error are originated at IPPB side, please check with IPPB team
Note : please don't perform any voucher posting for IPPB transactions done through counter, as integration is completed those trasactions will automatically flow to daily account of CSI.
Any issues observed , please mail to csicct.cept@indiapost.gov.in.
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