Regional Joint Consultative Machinery
Odisha Postal Circle
At : Ashoknagar Mukhya Dak Ghar, Bhubaneswar – 751 009
Bruhaspati Samal
Leader (Staff Side)
Mobile : 9437022669
Dusmanta Kumar Sethi
Secretary (Staff Side)
D O No. OD / RJCM-COVID-19/2020
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 24th April, 2020
Respected Sir,
This is regarding 100% attendance of all officials in Circle Office with effect from 27.04.2020 as per C O letter No. DOP/Odisha/COVID-19/2020, dated 24.04.2020 which has been issued in complete violation of the guidelines of MHA and DoPT circulated so far with clear direction to all Ministries and Departments to avoid crowding and to maintain safe social distancing drawing suitable roster with 1/3rd staff members to contain the spread of COVID-19.
I am surprised to note that without receipt of any fresh guidelines, the Circle Office has now issued the above order arbitrarily in supersession of its own order No. DOP/Odisha/COVID-19/2020, dated 15.04.2020 which stands against the appeal of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Chief Minister of Odisha and the standing guidelines of MHA, DoPT and Postal Directorate to take preventive measures for containing spread of COVID-19 and as aware Social Distancing is the only option left to us at this moment when the numbers of affected, positive and death cases in COVID-19 are increasing day by day.
But unfortunately, the above order of the Circle Office violates the recent instructions issued vide DoPT, vide its O M F. No. 11013 / 9 / 2014 – Estt. A-III, dated 23.04.2020 where in roster arrangement with 1/3rd staff has been reiterated to avoid unnecessary crowding and to maintain safe social distancing. A copy of the said OM is enclosed here with for kind reference.
It is also brought to my notice that our All India Postal Administrative Office Employees Union, Group-C & MTS, Odisha Circle branch has already appraised the situation to you vide their letter No. AIPAOEU/COVID/2020-1, dated 24.04.2020 with request to revise the above arbitrary order and to maintain the roster of 1/3rd officials.
Under the circumstances, I would like to sincerely request you Sir kindly to withdraw the C O letter No. DOP/Odisha/COVID-19/2020, dated 24.04.2020 and allow the instructions already issued vide C O letter of even number dated 15.04.2020 to continue till the end of the lockdown period or receipt of fresh guidelines for 100% attendance.
A line of reply on the action taken is highly solicited.
With profound regards
Attached : As above
Yours faithfully,
(Bruhaspati Samal)
Leader (Staff Side)
Sri Subash Chandra Barmma
Chief Postmaster General – Cum - Chairman
Regional Joint Consultative Machinery
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751 001
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