Press Statement from Central Administrative Tribunal

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Press Statement from Central Administrative Tribunal

Posted On: 14 APR 2020 3:51PM by PIB Delhi

It was not possible for the Central Administrative Tribunal at New Delhi and its branches across the Country from 20.03.2020 onwards, due to the implementation of lockdown on account of Corona virus. The functioning of the Tribunal, through Video Conferencing was also not possible due to the absence of the facility and the hurdles in procuring the same. It was proposed to review the situation after 14.04.2020, depending upon the decision which, the Government of India may take.

Today, the Hon’ble Prime Minister in his address to the nation announced the decision to extend the lockdown till 03.05.2020, subject to review on 20.04.2020 as regards places, other than hotspots. Therefore, the present state of affairs would continue till 20.04.2020 and the feasibility of functioning of the Benches of the Tribunal places would be considered depending on the announcement, which may be made on 20.04.2020.

The vacation for the various Benches of the Tribunal is in different spells. For the Ernaculum bench, it starts in the middle of April and few weeks thereafter it would start for the Bengaluru Bench. Similar progression takes place northwards and for the Principal Bench it is in June 2020. The manner in which the loss of working days due to non functioning of the Benches on account of Corona virus can be compensated, would be decided in consultation with the respective Bar Associations, once the functioning of the Benches starts.

If any request for urgent hearing of a case before any Bench is received from the advocates, the same shall be communicated to the Principal Registrar who in turn shall take necessary instructions and do the needful, depending on the urgency involved.

The Principal Bench and the other Benches shall function with skeletal staff in such a way that the employees are not exposed to any hazardous situation. The Registrars of the Benches shall identify the employees and assign the duties, turn-wise. Urgent matters on the administrative side shall be dealt with online or through communication over the phones, with the concerned.


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