No. P3NFPE-Odisha/10 - 03/2020
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 19th March, 2020
Com. R N Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE
North Avenue P O Building
New Delhi – 110 001
Sub:- Applicability of DoPT Advisory to Post Offices in taking Preventive Measures to contain spreading of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) - reg
Ref.- DoPT OM No. 11013/9/2014-Estt (A-Ill), dated 19.03.2020
Respected Comrade,
This has a kind reference to the instructions circulated vide DoPT OM under reference. (copy attached for ready reference).
As instructed inter alia, all HoDs are advised to draft a weekly roster of duty for Group B and C staff and ask them to attend office on alternate weeks. But in Para-vi, it has been mentioned that these instructions shall not apply to the offices and employees engaged in essential/emergency services and those directly engaged in taking measures to control spread of COVID-19.
It is needless to make our authorities understand that the postal employees working in grass root level especially the Counter PAs and all delivery staff including PA, Postman and GDS are directly coming in contact with hundreds of customers daily and handling both inland and foreign mails coming with dusts and unknown virus.
In such a situation, while the Hon’ble Prime Minister addressing the Nation on 19.03.2020 has stressed upon JANATHA CURFEW and social distancing, we, the postal employees are bound to serve the society and manage the crowds at the PO counters and touch the customers during delivery of mails with open hands and without mask, sanitizer etc being unaware of the condition of the customer if he/she is affected or not with Corona Virus. We have no option to work from home and our authorities are not at all serious to protect the employees at least with supply of required hygienic materials. Except circulating the orders of DoPT, UIDAI, Ministry of Health, WHO, UNISEF etc, we have not yet observed any seriousness of the Directorate towards the protection of its employees.
Therefore, we would like to request you to kindly appraise the Directorate to issue categorical instructions to all Heads of Circles as follows without any delay in any manner in addition to examining the applicability of DoPT instructions to Department of Posts.
1. To stop functioning of Aadhar Centres, delivery through PMA and opening of IPPB Accounts in toto and to exempt employees to mark biometric attendance wherever available till restoration of normalcy. (Only Aadhaar Centres in Odisha Circle have been ordered to be closed till 31.03.2020)
2. To stop conducting PLI/RPLI/SB Melas in the name of achieving targets and also to stop holding of all local Workshops and Training Programmes.(Only training programmes at WCTC, Circle Office, Bhubaneswar has been dropped)
3. Not to send the recently recruited officials to the cadre of PAs / SAs for induction training to any PTC.
4. To supply adequate hygienic materials viz. sanitizers, soaps, masks, gloves to all POs and RMS Offices or to instruct all the SPMs / Postmasters / RMS Units to purchase the required items as per their needs. A uniform amount may be fixed for all GPOs / HOs, MDGs, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ class offices for purchase of preventive hygienic materials.
5. To take the issue with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India with request to arrange supply of preventive hygienic materials (now not easily available in the open market) to all Circle Heads / Divisional heads for distribution to the post offices
With regards.
Comradely yours,
(Bruhaspati Samal)
Circle Secretary
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