- Download FO POS Installer from PoTools
- Extract the Folder and ensure that all the extracted files should in SETUP folder
- Download SQL R2 from its official site and rename it as Setup and pasted inside Setup folder where the POTools FO Installer available.
- Once the above step completed. Now, the Installer is ready to use.
Procedure to execute the POS Installer:
POS FO installer is developed for installing the Franchised Outlet Software without error/bypass the error occurred during the installation.
- Self Explanatory Steps are available in this installer.
- Step 1 : This will install SQL Server R2 Silently in your PC with SQL SA password as SA@2020. This step will take time based on system performance.
- On Step 2: The Installation of POS Server and Point of Sale Application in your PC. At the end of Point of Sale Installation, the POS Server Path needs to be selected to complete the installation.
- Once the Point of Sale installation is complete, the same should be open at only once for DB Creation. The same should not be open again if the DB Creation and User Creation is over.
- Browse the POS Server Path :>> Select POS serve Path before proceeding step 3
- Step 3: On this Step, the local DB has been updated.
- Click Step 4: for Update the Application and Scripts which were supplied by CEPT.
- Once the DB and POS Application is upgraded to the latest version manually available in the Step 4 folder, Enter Pincode of your SPCC and Update DB in Step 5.
- Step 6 : In this steps remaining DB and Application updates to be processed manually.
Point of Sale V7.9.11 is also included in this version. CSI Bulk upload file can be generated in this Menu for further uploading in POS Bulk Booking.
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