ePost Printing Tool Version 4.0 || e-Post Print Tools v4.0

Installation :
Click On Install Button
Wait Till Process Complete
After Installation Configuration Login, Printing Process
 ;Now Click On Load e-Post Site Button
Now You Will Be Asked For
Your Office Name
To Save Your USER Name Password In System Click On Check Box of Save Credentials And Click GoNow Tool Will Fetch Captcha From Website & You Have To Enter Text As Shown in Screen In Security Code Box and Click On Login
Now Tool Will Pop-up Of Pending e-PostClick On Available Options like RETAIL/ PREPAID e-Post
Now Tool Will Download Pending e-Post From Web for Printing Wait Till Process Complete
Now Above Pop-up Will Appear Click On Ok Button
On Successful Printing of e-Post Click On Ok Button
Now You May Exit From Tool
On Desktop e-Post Printing Tool Icon Will Be Generated Automatically you can Run This Tool With This Shortcut in Future
Click below link to download

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