Grant of benefit of pay fixation at the time of promotion to the grade of erstwhile Postmaster Grade-I

Order for grant of 3 % fitment benefit was issued vide letter of even number dated 15.10.2018 to such official at the time of fixation of pay on promotion to the post of Postmaster Grade-I even after availing financialu upgradation under MACP Scheme.

2. In one of the case of Shri B.V. Gavali, Postmaster Grade-I of Maharashtra Circle DOPT has referred to Para 4 of Annexure of MACP scheme which Provide that "there shall however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of Regular Promotion if it is in the same pay level as granted under MACP scheme".

3. As per prevailing Recruitment Rules of Postmaster Cadre, a Postal Assistant having Grade pay of Rs. 2400 (in pre revised) with the five years of regular service was eligible for promotion to the post of Postmaster Grade-I.

Grade pay of Postmaster Grade-l was Rs. 2800/- and on the occasion of financial upgradation under MACP scheme, a Postal Assistant was also have the Grade pay of Rs. 2800/-.

4. As the Grade pay of a Postal Assistant who availed financial upgradation under MACP scheme and Postmaster Grade I was same i.e. Rs. 2800/. Accordingly, 3% fitment benefit allowed to Postmaster Grade-I official was withdrawn vide letter No. 20-27/2015 SPN-II dated 21.11.2019.

5. Now an OA No. 1610/2019 has been filed by All India Association of Postal Supervisors before Hon'ble CAT, Chennai Bench requesting to set aside the order dated 21.11.2019. Hon'ble CAT vide its interim order dated 13.12.2019 has ordered that

There Shall Be No Recovery From The Applicants

6. Therefore,
it has been decided by the Directorate that recovery arises consequent upon issuance of letter dated 21.11.2019 may not be initiated until further orders.

Yours Faithfully,

(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


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