Respected Sir,
Kindly find attached office note no. 27-6/2018-PO received from PO Division Dak Bhawan. A meeting of Secretary (Posts) with Secretary DoPT was held on 26.11.2019 wherein it has been in-principle decided that all Aadhaar Enrolment & Updation Centres functioning in Post Offices across the country will be utilized for generating the Digital Life Certificates (DLCs) of Central Government Pensioners.
2. UIDAI has informed that it has no objection in using computers supplied as part of Aadhaar Enrolment Kit (AEK) for generation of Digital Life Certificate. However, DoP may test the same before making any decision.
3. You are requested to test check the feasibility of the Aadhaar biometric peripherals (Aadhaar Kits) used in Post Offices by installing the Jeevan Praman Application in the Post Offices where service of Jeevan Praman is already being provided and the result of the excercise may be intimated to this office within 10 days. The intent of the test check is to ascertain whether both softwares i.e. Aadhaar and Jeevan Praman can work simultaneously on the same machine using Aadhaar peripherals installed in Post Offices
With Regards
(Nirmaljit Singh)
General Manager (BD)
Business Development Directorate
5th Floor, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
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