Pointofsale update 7.9.13
1.Introduction/Purpose of Release:
As per the instructions contained in Dte IR&GB letter No. 40-1/2019-DA dated 12.09.2019, Department of Posts is introducing International EMS Service for the below mentioned list of countries. And they are:
a. Bosina and Herzegovina
b. Brazil
c. Ecuador
d. Kazakhstan
e. Lithuania
f. North Macedonia(Formerly known as Former Rep of Macedonia)
Important: This update is only for Offices which are still using Meghdoot POS and Speed Net Client applications.
Point of Sale
3. Pre-Requisite
The pre-requisite for Update 7.9.13 is MeghdootUpdate7.9.12_Aadhaar_Service_Charges ,released by CEPT on 08.03.2019, which is available on ftp site at location ftp://cept.gov.in/Meghdoot7/Updates/MeghdootUpdate7.9.12_Aadhaar_Service_Charges/
4 General Instructions for Up-gradation
- Ensure that Up-gradation is carried out after Day End in all modules.
- Ensure that the office is upgraded with MeghdootUpdate7.9.12_Aadhaar_Service_Charges.
- Ensure that backups of all databases and mdb files are taken and securely preserved.
- Ensure 100% successful running of the database up-gradation. If any error occurs while executing any exl file, please send the log file to CEPT Help Desk (ceptsupport@indiapost.gov.in).
- Please upgrade the applications in the following order:
5. Detailed Up- gradation Procedure (Please follow the order mentioned below strictly)
Stop Point of Sale application and ensure that other POS related applications are not running.
Take a backup of Counter, eMO databases
First run the counter.exl using script tool .
If your office is McCamish enabled, then rename the existing pointofsale.exe to pointofsale7912.exe and copy the new Pointofsale.exe available in “For Maccamish Offices” folder in the same location.
If your office is McCamish disabled, then rename the existing pointofsale.exe to pointofsale7912.exe and copy the new Pointofsale.exe available in “For Non Maccamish Offices” folder in the same location.
6. New Features/Modifications done in this Update 7.9.13
Provision to book International EMS Document/Merchandise to the 06 countries viz Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Brazil,Ecuador,Kazakhstan,Lithuania,North Macedonia(Formerly known as Former Rep of Macedonia).
The same can be checked through operator loginForeignMailSpeed Post. The booking screen shall be as shown below.
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