Report collections & consolidation Time & Money at a glance

Report collections & consolidation Time & Money at a glance

It takes min 1 hour to prepare, consolidate, and send report (mail- for BO & Beat, aadhar transaction, Nanthya,SB reports, ATM issue,mobile , aadhar seeding to cif reports, e.t.c)

If there are 79 Operative offices in a division then-

i.e.(1hour X 79 operative office X 26days) = 2054 hours.

(1Division ofc X 5 hour) X 22days =110 hours

In Total (2054+110)=2164 hours

i.e. (2164/8)= 270 working day manpower losses in a single month for report collection.

i.e. (270/30)=9 person salary wasted for report collection.

i.e. after 7th CPC if we consider minimum wage

(9X 30,000)= 2,70,500/-
Wasted in single month for report collection in a single division. 

i.e. in a year
(2,70,500 X 12)= 32,46,000/- 

32.46 Lakh for a division for a month wasted for report collection & consolidation. 

Now multiply this amount with no of total no divisions of India.

(If No of offices, staff deployed in report collection, and their minimum salary i.e. 30,00 0 /month remain constant)

What huge amount of time & money is going in vain. 

If department suggest TCS / Infosys to make a change in software so that report could be generated online. 

Department can save the time & money & invest it in doing new business/ strengthening existing business.


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