New Post creation in CSI - SAP

Each facility (i.e, office) has posts as per the establishment register and the same are created at the time of migration itself. If any new post is allotted to any office the same is needed to create in SAP. 

  • First the appointing authority needs to prepare data in the following format.

Facility Id: The facility id of the office, to which the new post is allotted.
Post Text: Choose the required post as per the establishment norms.
Count: Enter the number of post need to be created as per the norms.
Now use the T-code: ZHR_ERCREATE , which carries to the following interface.
Now upload the excel file which is created for new post(s) creation as per norms and click on "execute "button / press F8. 

After the completion of background process, the desired post(s) will be created and the same can be conformed using the T-code: ZHR_ERDETAILS by providing facility id .


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