Enhancements in McCamish - Wave 5 Functionalities

 It is to inform that following functionalities under Wave 5 were deployed in production on 18-12-19 night in McCamish. It is requested  to check the functionalities  and share your valuable feedback in the attached template for further strengthening the system. Your co-operation is solicited in this regard.

1. Reopen of Death Claim & Maturity Claim : 

  1. This functionalities deal with the  reopening of approved/rejected Death claim and maturity claim requests .
  2. Approver receives court order/legal documents for already approved/rejected claims.
  3. The approver within the same CPC can reopen the claim from service request history screen.
  4. Approver reopens the claim, by hitting the Reopen button located at the Service request history   screen (Manual process).
  5. If the approver tagged with the same user Id. (who has closed/rejected the claim) is not available, than the approver as per availability within the same CPC will reopen the claim by hitting the button.
  6. New request Id will be generated at the hit of Reopen button. The status of the old death claim request should remain unchanged.
  7. Once the approver reopens the claim then the claim request for reopening the claim is initiated and the request moves to ECMS queue for scanning and upload of documents within the same CPC where request have initially received.
  8. After the Documents are uploaded successfully, request comes to the inbox of approver 4 queue.
  9. The approver 4 can redirect the request back to scanning assistant if any document is missing,
  10. Once the approver 4 approves the document, the approver can enter the legal expenses and other expenses as directed by the court or other Authorities
  11. ECMS process will be followed as per existing standards. 

2.Revival Installment :

This functionality was available in production till last year. As system is calculating wrong values and several issues were raised by Circles, installment option was disabled. Now , the defects have been rectified and deployed.

3.VPAS letters & Products : 

Following are the various reports which have been deployed in McCamish. Most of the reports are available to PLI Directorate level .

Reports Description
Claim Intimation, paid and Outstanding Register Report Must be able to generate all statutory registers like claim intimation register ,claim registered approved and not paid and claim paid register
IBNR Report The purpose of the report is to ascertain the surrender/claim registered , paid and which are completed/approved and not paid
Claim ratio report The purpose of the report is to ascertain the ratio between claims paid and total number of claims registered in the system and not paid
Average claims per policy The purpose of the report is to provide details of average claims (death) paid per policy office wise.
Profitability Analysis The purpose of the report to enable profitability analysis of current products to identify profitable policy types (by comparing Income & expenditure )
Investment Performance Report This report is generated  to monitor the Investment performance of the funds
Product Portfolio Report This report is generated  to identify the current product portfolio of the branch
Reason wise Free Look Cancellation Report The purpose of the report is to generate the data for freelook cancellation request
Fund Details Report This report is generated to identify the details of the fund and units under various funds (if any)
Grievance Turn Around Time Report (CONSOLIDATED) This report is generated  to identify the data related to grievance request status
Grievance Turn Around Time Report (Detailed)-Grievance analysis report This report is generated  basis cause wise, region wise, product wise, age wise analysis of grievances and their disposal
Detail Age wise Death Claim Pending Report The purpose of the report to generate reports for age-wise pending claim statistics on periodic basis.

Following Letters  will be available:-
a) Commutation letter for decrease in Premium
b) Lapse letter

4.Queue  restriction Maintenance :  

This is dealing with mapping of User role -Office-Queue access. Users who are tagged to offices falling at base in the hierarchy will not be provided with queue access of higher level offices.  For example, if user is tagged to a sub-post office then that user will not have access to any of the queues. System will throw an error message:
“Based on the role/office selected, user is not eligible for any queue access”.

5. GST – Non statutory Requirements :

This is related to screen level change. GST  label has been replaced for service tax whereever displayed.

6. Commutation :

In commutation when Premium change option is selected, new Premium based on Sum assured, multiples of Rs.1,000  will be displayed and while selecting Sum assured, it should be multiples of Rs. 10,000 in case of PLI and Rs. 5,000 in case of RPLI which is currently available in Production

7.Diary Task : (on hold)

 An icon will be added on the Dashboard screen just beside “Inbox” button to access Diary task screen. Icon name will be “My Calendar”.
Upon clicking the “My Calendar” icon, the user will be navigated to “My Calendar” page .
A task to a user can be added By using “Add New Task” button.

Standardize diary task:

For all service request types diary task should be automatically created and reflect on calendar screen and reminder section. For diary tasks that are automatically created should have standard dates automatically updated. Suppose no action has been taken on a proposal for a stipulated time by an user, then a task should be created automatically for all the service request for users and respective queue owners with Expected end date as Workflow termination date. An alert should be shown under “Reminder” section on right side of the screen.
**The task and reminder should be removed from the screen for a particular task when either the workflow stage is completed or the workflow is terminated.

Automatic task will be created for all service requests like Death Claims,Maturity Claims,Proposal etc.,
A standardized diary task will be created for all users (having access to calendar screen)

8.Suspense Maintenance : 

Following facilities have been added in suspense maintenance 
On selection of Policy number/Proposal number, following tasks can be performed:
1.       Reversal of Applied premium
2.       Reversal of unapplied premium
3.   Transfer of premium (in suspense) from one policy/proposal to another policy/proposal respectively.
On selection of Special Group, following tasks can be performed:
1.       Reversal of unapplied premium from Special Group
2.       Transfer of premium (in suspense) from a group to a policy.

9.Disbursement Center Selection : 

User should be able to restrict the disbursement centre of a claim request to the HO or SO of the Data entry user of that particular request.
 The changes will be applicable for the claim requests :-
ü  Maturity Claim
ü  Death Claim
ü  Maturity Reopen
ü  Death Reopen
ü  Survival Claim
ü  Surrender
ü  Partial Surrender
ü  Loan
ü  Free lookup cancellation
ü  Proposal Rejection
ü  Policy Cancellation



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