Request for consideration of opinion/suggestions of AISBCE Union, while framing revised Recruitment Rules-2019 for appointment of Postal/Sorting Assistants in the Department of Posts – Case of PA (SBCO)

(Service union under Dept. of Posts)

PA, SBCO, PANIPAT HO  - 132103
CELL: 094667 68083         
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CELL: 94155 00031

CHQ LETTER NO: Suggestions regarding RR PA proposals change -    dtd: 30.09.2019

Sh.Ananta Narayan Nanda
Secretary, [Post]
NEW DELHI–110001                                               
Mail ID:
Sub: -Request for consideration of opinion/suggestions of AISBCE Union, while framing revised Recruitment Rules-2019 for appointment of Postal/Sorting Assistants in the Department of Posts – Case of PA (SBCO) regarding.         
Ref: - Directorate letter no F.No.04-05/2015-PSB-1 Dated at Dak Bhawan,   Sansad Marg, New Delhi the 19.09.2019 addressed to all CPMGs/PMGs.
Respected Sir,                
With due respect this Union would like to draw the attention of the Apex authority at the back drop of the proposals made by the Directorate to revise the recruitment rules(RRs) governing the appointment of Postal  Assistant /Sorting assistant including Postal assistant (SBCO) in Department of Posts.
Your honour self knows that AISBCEU is the major Union recognised by the Department of Posts to look after the welfare of the SBCO staff since many decades. This Union believes that, it’s shall be the responsibility to bring the consequences that may arise due to the implementation of the revised recruitment rules especially for SBCO staff.
In this context, this Union would like to highlight the point no 6 of D.O.No.-116-22/2018-FS dated 21.12.2018 issued by Sri Sachin Kishore, DDG (FS)
“As regards strengthening of SBCO, relevant orders/instructions are issued from time to time. The roles / responsibilities of SBCO are likely to undergo considerable change after GL integration and revised / updated orders would issue once the GL integration is completed and made functional. Till such time, scheme wise consolidation of a SOL to be matched with CSI daily report of the concerned Post office by SBCO”. 
Since then, every SBCO official is eagerly waiting for the action of the Directorate to make them relieve from the burdensome workload and also from the malevolence rules of victimising the SBCO staff as sub-offenders in many frauds. It is very clear that the PA/SA(FPO) Cadre will be merged with proposed Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Cadre, but still the SBCO cadre will function as separate wing other than recruitment/posting to the vacancies of SBCO.
As a ray of hope, the proposed amendments in the revised recruitment rules (RRs) governing the appointment of Postal Assistant /Sorting assistant including Postal Assistant (SBCO) in Department of Posts has opted by some of the SBCO staff.
Your self knows, that the welfare of the members is very important for an employees union and also it’s responsibility to strive for the prosperity of each and every member. This Union upheld the legitimate right of every member to opt the choice given by the Directorate as per their wish and will.
From the Directorate letter, it is very clear that the Department is planning for continuance of only two categories of officials i.e, Postal Assistant (PA), who shall cater the needs of CO/RO, SBCO, MMS, FPO, RLO, PSD, CSD etc and Sorting Assistant (SA) who shall cater the needs of RMS and CO/RO (to the extent decided by respective Circle).
As per the proposals of revised RR-2019 for PA/SA, It is very surprising to note that the existing PAs (CO/RO) were given an option to opt for PO/RMS (PA/SA) whereas on the other hand the existing PAs (SBCO) has to opt for PA in Post Office.  Your honour self knows that PAs (CO/RO) has so far performed only administrative works i.e., involving in Policy making as well as in its implementation. Many references have been received regarding the indiscriminate attitude of the Directorate towards the SBCO cadre.
This Union believes that there shall be no risk factor (i.e., identification as sub offenders) to the existing PAs (CO/RO) for those who want to continue in the same cadre i.e., PA(CO/RO). Obviously, none of the existing PAs (CO/RO) will opt for PO/RMS. whereas on the other hand, if the existing PAs (SBCO) wants to continue in the same cadre, the burden of risk of frauds may increase many folds.
The proposals of revised RR-2019 for PA/SA is silent on the future changes in the working pattern of SBCO in respect of existing SBCO officials who are not willing to exercise the option for PA(PO) and wants to continue in the same Parent SBCO cadre.
This Union believes that the information provided in the Directorate letter referred above is quite inadequate for all the CPMGs/PMGs and also for the recognized Unions to offer comments/suggestions on the recent proposals of revised RR-2019 for PA/SA. The Directorate has not revealed its plan of action/ blue print regarding audit functions to be implemented/ followed at the back ground of FINALCE/CBS, SAP/CSI & FSI.
It is also came to the notice of this Union, the there are proposals for decentralization of DA (P) as well as winding of P & T Audit.  The recent activities of P & T Audit wing in expedite settlement of pending paras is supporting the news of its winding up in a near future. It is also pertinent to bring to your notice that, presently, DA (P) and P&T Audit are attending for internal audit and external audit respectively. 
This Union would like to bring the following few points regarding the evolution, organizational set up of SBCO and the governing rules of the SBCO cadre
  1. As per the orders of the Accountant General, Posts & Telegraph vide letter No. Admn. III/5(S) 4A-KWiii/2806 Dated at Simla the 31st. March1964 (copy enclosed) SBCO & ICO(SB) Branches were introduced in the Deptt. Of Posts bifurcating from A.G.P &T. The aim of the scheme was to transfer of audit and Accounting work to the HPO from the Audit and to perform by the SBCO. Since then, the SBCO staff has been performing Audit and accounting function of various categories of accounts involving Crores of rupees pertaining to lakhs of Depositors.
  2. The Audit function of SBCO has clearly been mentioned in 1960 under Para-1(Preamble) of introduction POSSS Part-IV by A.N. Dureja authorised by the then P &T Board.
  1. Initially the Recruitment Rules were the same as per Postal Accounts wing and even to this day also, 100% of the staff in the SBCO cadre is being recruited from the open market with an intention for fair and impartial audit and also to guard from any influence of the feeder cadres. 
  1. The SBCO staff were allowed to be transferred /posted against Junior Accountant of Postal Accounts office vide D.G. Posts letter No.141-254/89-SPB-II Dated 20.09.1990.
  1. The ICO (SB) which is a Part of SBCO cadre is now called as “Internal Audit Office as per Dte. Letter No.CIS/AU-1/101-06-07/2276 Dated 05.02.2007.
  1. As per Dte. Order No.97-8/95-SB Dated 12.10 1995 Supervisor, SBCO, has to carryout audit function properly to restrict occurrence of frauds.
  1. SBCO has to carryout reality check to avoid delayed detection of fraud vide Dte. Letter No. 25-31/2017 –FS-CBS Dated 19.11.2018.
  1. Preventive Vigilance –procedure has to be followed by the SBCO to prevent fraud vide Dte. Letter No. 4-5/DR-02/2018-Inv. Dated 20.12.2018.                
The proposed changes made in the Recruitment Rules shall weaken the audit and accounting works of the Department and also have a larger adverse impact. Already, the Department has witnessed the occurrence of many frauds involving Crores of rupees due to laxity in attending the ground level checks, which are beyond the control of SBCO and thereby the present working environment is demanding for the necessity of stronger mechanism than the SBCO to arrest the irregularities at the bud stage itself.
It is a known fact that the customer/depositor’s agreement is ultimate in finalizing whether the transaction is genuine or fraudulent. Unfortunately, the preventative measures adopted by the Department are not yielding any fruitful results to curb the irregularities and its impact is strongly affecting the lives of the SBCO staff and their families both financially and mentally.
This Union has repeatedly requested the Apex body to take all the remedial measures to curb the frauds at the initial stage itself and to save the SBCO staff from being victimized as sub offenders in event of frauds. But, instead of decreasing burden, the policy makers are repeatedly increasing the responsibilities on the SBCO staff without taking into consideration of the staff position. Such steps are further worsening the work pattern of the SBCO.
In view of the above reasons, the following suggestions of this Union may please be considered.
  • The officials who are willing to opt for PA post office cadre may be considered with Inter seniority and place of posting with in the Division.
  • It is kindly requested to reconsider the framing of proposed Recruitment Rule to post some PAs as Auditor to SBCO Branch.
  • After GL Integration, the pattern of SBCO work quietly will quietly change with checking of consolidation figures and voucher checking, and there is no harm in centralizing all SBCOs at Regional level under the control of Accounts cadre officers with the control of GM (PA& F).
  • At present the SBCOs are functioning under the control of Divisional Heads and their APAR are written by the Divisional Heads for which the SBCO staff could not attend their auditing work freely to raise objections in case of irregularities and it is one of the major reasons for happening frauds frequently in Savings Bank transactions.
  • In the present admonition of SBCO setup, the Divisional Heads have not followed the Directorate instructions to provide manpower to SBCO staff and given pressure to SBCO staff to settle the long pending objections to avoid reports to the Director/PMG/CPMG and they are very much interested to fix recovery and punishments in the frauds done by the sub/branch offices. This is one of the major reasons for happening frauds in all sub/branch offices.
  • If the Department is really interested to minimize the frauds, the SBCO staff should be identified as Auditor and they must be allowed to discharge their auditing work freely without any pressure from the local administration [Divisional Head] and their APARs must be written by the officers from Accounts cadre for the proper auditing of all Savings Bank transactions involving Crores of rupees pertaining to lakhs of Depositors.
It is the right time to make changes in the SBCO setup after CSI/FSI as per Banking Audit system. This kind of changes is very much essential to avoid frauds in the Public Interest, since in the present Saving Bank operation, only SBCO staff is carrying out audit function of Public money and their cadre must be brought under the control of GM (PA& F) to carryout reality check to avoid delayed detection of fraud vide Dte. Letter No. 25-31/2017 –FS-CBS  Dated 19.11.2018.
            This is for your kind information to strengthen the audit setup.
                                                                                   Yours faithfully ,
                                                                                 (B.B. Sharma, General Secretary, AISBCEU]
Copy to:
  1. The Hon’ble Minister Shri.Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Communication, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi=110001 Mail ID:
  2. Mr. Rajiv Mehrishi ,CAG, GOI. 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Mata Sundari Railway Colony Mandi House, Vikram Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110002
  3. SH.BRIJ BEHARI DAVE, Member [Banking], Dak Bhawan, New Delhi=110001  for information. MAIL ID: memberbanking&
  4. Shri.Vinaya Prakash Singh, Sr.DDG, Vigilance & CVO, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Mail ID:
  1. Sri.Sachin Kishore, DDG [FS], Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 for information
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