Kind Attention to Postal Unions! About GL Integration

Kind Attention to Postal Unions! GL Integration. 

GL Integration i.e mapping of CSI General Ledger Code with CBS Finacle General Ledger Code is part of implementation of CSI & FSI Integration which is most welcome one. After GL Integration, the Daily Account which will be generated well in very next day if the transaction happened in the profit centre. As all aware that the Daily Accounting Sheet will not generate if no transaction persit either in Finacle or in POS. 

Most welcome one but little disappointment. GL Integration is absolutely time consumption as it was expected at the time of CSI rollout itself. But…….. 

The only thing is the present daily account after GL integration is not for the purpose of inspection or  tallying the daily transaction. 

So, Union should take special attention in r/o generation of daily account with daily transactions persist in the profit centre for the purpose of tallying TCB. Present, daily account may be used to calculate the revenue of the profit centre(backend transactions incorporated with front end transactions). 

Most of the inter(backend) transactions like intersol transactions, credit of interest at the time of maturity to the concern sundry, inflow transactions and all unwanted backend transactions reflected in the front end i.e in present daily account. 

It is kindly requested the high authorities to take at most care in generation of daily transactions in daily account after GL Integration. Because the daily transactions is more than enough in the daily accounting sheet for inspection and find out fraudulent activities of the concern SOL . Union people should take this issue to higher level to reflect only daily transaction of the concern profit centre so that the PM/SPM can tally the account easily. 


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