The Register of Retrenchments should be maintained at a Disbursing Office in the form ACG-60.
Cycle Advance is admissible to a Government servant whose Grade Pay does not exceed Rs.2800.
Cycle Advance is admissible to a Government servant whose Grade Pay does not exceed Rs.2800.
Divisional Head is the competent authority to sanction Cycle Advance to Mail Guard.
The Circle Abstract is prepared in Circle Postal Accounts Offices.
The maximum number of installments in which the principal and interest on HBA should be re-paid by a Government servant is 180 & 60 respectively.
The limit Up to which the Transport Allowance paid to a Government servant is non-taxable as per Income tax Act is Rs 9600/-.
The General Abstract is prepared from the Circle Abstract.
Sanction of the grant of Conveyance Allowance should be reviewed after 2 years.
Service books of the Government Servants should be maintained in Duplicate.
The maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of Personal Computer for the first time is Rs. 80000/-.
On all the cheque in excess of Rs. 1 lakhs, transparent sticker may be affixed on the amount in figures to prevent its alteration.
Payment of Natural Calamities Advance is booked under the head 3201-02- Salaries.
The rate of interest chargeable on flood Advance is Interest Free.
The periodicity prescribed for grant of advance for purchase of warm clothing is 3 years.
The maximum limit of installments in which advance for purchasing warm clothing can be re-paid is 10.
The rate of interest chargeable on warm clothing advance is No interest is charged.
The maximum limit of Motor Car Advance that can be sanctioned to an officer of Central Government on the first occasion is Rs. 180000/-.
The minimum basic pay of a Government officer in the Pay Band for being eligible for grant of Motor Car Advance is Rs. 19530/- or more.
The number of equal monthly installments in which the Government servant can re-pay the principal amount of Motor Car Advance is 200.
The form used for preparation of schedule of pension payment in a Head Post Office is Pension-4.
Departmental Officers are ordinarily responsible to see that collection of the dues of Department are regularly collected and brought to account.
Sector A in Expenditure met from revenue Head in the accounts of the Postal Department belongs to General Services.
The objection Statements are prepared by the Account Office in Duplicate.
Two locks should be provided for the strong chest in which the public money is kept.
Major head 03 in the expenditure head of General Services (A) of the Postal Department belongs to Interest on small savings, provident fund etc.
The form ACG-12 is used in the books of vouchers used for drawings from treasury.
The receipts in the form ACG-67 are printed in Duplicate.
DA (P), Kolkata is Competent to issue payment order in connection with the International Reply Coupons.
The time limit to prefer medical re-imbursement bills from the date of completion of treatment is Three months.
The validity of a Pay Order from the date of the endorsement of pay order relating to pay bills other than bills relating to pay and allowances of the staff is Seven days.
The Acquintance Rolls of GDS officials should be preserved for 45 years.
Cash Book Maintained by drawing and Disbursing Officers are preserved for 10 years.
Purchase of goods Up to Rs.15000 value on each occasion may be made without inviting quotations or bids.
Pending the completion of the procedure for the budget, funds made available to cover expenditure for certain period is termed as Vote of Account.
The consolidated Statement of interest credited each year to the GPF Account of Group-D Employees should be sent annually by the heads of Officers to the Postal Account Office not later than 31st May.
The profit and loss account of Department of Post is prepared annually.
The form used for preparation of Cash Account of the Head Post Office is ACG-5.
The time period within which request for change date of birth of a Government servant should be made is 5 years.
The expenditure from public account should not be Prima facie more than the occasion demands.
Sector B under Revenue Receipts in the accounts of the Postal Department belongs to Non Tax Revenue.
The form used in the Establishment Register of the Heads of offices is ACG-19(a).
Major Head 2016 in expenditure side of Sector A General Services of the Postal Department belongs to Audit.
Departmental Receipts may be ordinarily realized in Legal tender coins or Currency or bank notes.
Disbursing Officer is responsible for recovery of a payment disallowed by an Audit/Account Office.
The Standards of financial propriety are laid in Rule-60 of P&T FHB Vol.I.
Payment of honorarium to persons not in Government service should be drawn on form ACG 17.
The category in which the expenditure incurred on liveries to Group-D (Now MTS) employees by an office falls is Scale gegulated contingency.
The period of preservation of Cash Book maintained by DDOs is 10 years.
The preservation period of records relating to contingent expenditure is Three years or one year after completion of audit which ever is latter.
The preservation period of Register for maintaining particulars of accounts records destroyed is Permanent.
The descriptive particulars on the first page of Government servant’s Service Book should be re-attested after every five years.
Service Book Senior Superintendent of Post Offices is maintained in DA (P) Office.
The colour of ink to be used to make correction in Cash Book if any mistake is noticed before submission of month's account to proper authority Red.
According to Rule no 45 of P&T FHB-I Vol.I, Every voucher must bear a pay order and indicate mode of payment i.e. cash or cheque
Claims for contingent expenditure up to Rs.500 may be disbursed out of Permanent Advance.
Major Head 1201 in the Revenue Receipt Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to Postal Receipts.
The Permanent Advance should not exceed half of the average monthly contingent expenditure calculated as per rules.
The Establishments in each office are divided into Sections.
Charges against Two or more major heads should not be included in one bill.
The bills should be prepared as per Rule 35 of P&T FHB Vol.I.
The major heads of account in the receipt's side of the accounts of Department of Posts is 1201.
One of the major heads of account in the expenditure side of accounts of Department of Posts is 3201.
Major Head 0049 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to Interest Receipts.
Major Head 60 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to other interest receipts in Central Government.
Serious loss occurring in Rule 57 of P&T FHB Vol.I denotes loss exceeding Rs.5000.
Disbursing Officer is responsible for keep up and maintenance of Cash Book during its currency and also for safe custody of used up Cash Books.
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