Dimensions of Inland Letter Card (ILC)


106. Description. – A “Letter card” means a sheet of paper of the kind ordinarily used for letter writing suitably folded and gummed. Letter cards, closely resembling in size and shape of the aerogramme form used in the Foreign Service, are issued by the Post Office for the use of the public. A letter card has a stamp of the prescribed value of postage impressed on it. Letter cards of private manufacture, with perforated margins, suitably folded after gumming one side and fastening the other two sides with not more than two bits of gummed tape or other fasteners in such a manner as to permit without removing the fasteners necessary examination of the letter card, may be transmitted by post, provided the letter cards conform in other respects to the specifications mentioned in clause 107.

107. Letter Cards of Private Manufacture. – Privately printed letter cards are permitted provided they conform to the following specifications:-

(a) The weight of a letter card should not exceed three grams,
(b) The dimensions of a letter card, when unfolded or folded, are within the following limits:

Maximum - 30 cm. x 21 cm.
Minimum - 20 cm. x 14 cm.
Flaps. – Not exceeding 2.5. cm. x 12.5 cm. on one side and 1.5 cm. x 7.5 cm. on the other.

Maximum - 15 cm. x 10.5 cm.
Minimum - 10 cm. x 7 cm.
(c)There shall be printed on the outside at the top left hand corner on the address side of every folded letter intended for inland transmission, the words “Inland Letter Card”.

108. Conditions for the Transmission of Inland Letter Cards. – (1) Nothing will be attached to or enclosed in a Inland letter card.

(2) The following rates shall be chargeable on the delivery of inland letter cards on which the postage is not prepaid or is insufficiently prepaid:
On an unpaid letter card Double the prepaid rate
On an insufficiently paid Letter card Double the deficiency
However, should a letter card be posted infringing the conditions laid down for the transmission of such articles, it will be taxed as a letter and double the deficiency at letter postage rate will be recovered.
(3) The use of inland letter cards for addressing communications to foreign countries including those countries for which inland surface rate of postage apply is not permissible except for Pakistan and Nepal. If any such article is posted, it will be treated as an insufficiently paid letter and dealt with accordingly.

NOTE – All conditions prescribed for the letters elsewhere in the Guide will apply to letter cards also unless the context requires otherwise.


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