Bulk voucher posting file creator for CBS GL integration Error file

Bulk voucher posting file creator for CBS GL integration Error file 

The Tool is designed to facilitate Circle IT team who is monitoring CSI FSI GL integration to generate bulk voucher posing file out of FSI error file.

1. As an occasional activity, generate CSI offices file using zfid by entering facility ID of the Circle and output lay out as /DEF. Right click and export the same to spread sheet. Same need to be generated as and when new offices are being added in the Circle. 

2. Generate CSI FSI error file using zfi_error by providing Circle Facility ID and posting date 

3. In case of any missing facility ID, same can be updated in output generated and saved for auto updation of the same during next auto execution at server level

4. Right click on output file generated and save the same to spreadsheet.

5. Open the generated excel file and carry out required modifications. In case if for any entries facility ID is provided for auto updation at server level, details of the same to be removed in the spread sheet. In case if any extra entries are missed out and need to be added for tallying, same need to be added. In case if any BO transactions are shown in SO then required amount modifications in BO/ SO entries need to be done.

6. Once all the required modifications are done, save the file.

7. Run bulk voucher file creator for FSI error. Select CSI offices file generated through step1. Select FSI error file generated after required modifications at step6. Click on Generate button to generate bulk upload file. 

8. Text file will be generated in exe path with file name as CBSErrVoucherPostingFileddmmyyyyhhmmss.txt and with current date and time which can be uploaded through zbf07. 

Note: In case of any error while clicking on Generate Button, Download and install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 32bit Redistributable available in following link

Suggestions/ improvements if any may please be intimated over mail to tgy.ap@indiapost.gov.in


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