Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees for the year 2018-19.
NFIR brings to your kind notice that the Productivity Linked Bonus formula was conceptualized in November, 1979 by an agreement between the Federations and Railway Ministry. So far as the Salary Calculation Ceiling for the purpose of payment of P.L. Bonus is concerned, you may kindly be aware that the notional salary at Rs. 7000/- p.m. is taken into account and amount arrived at NFIR has been repeatedly urging upon the Railway Ministry to remove salary calculation ceiling for making payment of P.L. Bonus to the Railway employees on actual wages as the payment is linked with productivity. This was also part of Charter of Demands of NFIR placed before the Railway Ministry when Strike Notice was served on 09th June, 2016. However, this issue is yet to be resolved.
So far as payment of P.L. Bonus for the year 2018-19, to be paid to Railway employees before the commencement of Dussehra Puja Holidays is concerned, NFIR places the following facts for kind appreciation : -
Despite over 2 & half lakh vacancies, the Railway employees have given qualitative output during the year 2018- 19, shouldering additional burden which fact needs to be given greater consideration for the purpose of revising the number of days wages upwardly for payment of P.L. Bonus.
Over two lakh employees have been performing twelve hours duty per day, despite justification exists for introduction of eight hours duty under "Continuous" classification on the basis of Job Analysis. The Zonal Railways are yet to comply with Railway Board's instructions dated 30th September, 2016 for revising the classification from 'EI' to 'Continuous' . This also needs to be given due weightage.
The overall performance of Railway employees has been 'Very Good' as there has been no dislocation/ detention on employees' account.
During the previous seven years, the P.L. Bonus was paid to Railway employees equivalent to 78 days wages (with notional salary calculation). Upward revision of P.L. Bonus days beyond 78 days wages, would motivate Railway employees to continue to perform with determination.
Federation insists that Capital input should not be taken as criteria at all, as the utilization of the said Capital is in the hands of management as workers are not concerned with said investment. It is further placed on record that at no point of time, consultations were made with the Federations on the need for capital investment or otherwise.Yours faithfully,
So far as payment of P.L. Bonus for the year 2018-19, to be paid to Railway employees before the commencement of Dussehra Puja Holidays is concerned, NFIR places the following facts for kind appreciation : -
Despite over 2 & half lakh vacancies, the Railway employees have given qualitative output during the year 2018- 19, shouldering additional burden which fact needs to be given greater consideration for the purpose of revising the number of days wages upwardly for payment of P.L. Bonus.
Over two lakh employees have been performing twelve hours duty per day, despite justification exists for introduction of eight hours duty under "Continuous" classification on the basis of Job Analysis. The Zonal Railways are yet to comply with Railway Board's instructions dated 30th September, 2016 for revising the classification from 'EI' to 'Continuous' . This also needs to be given due weightage.
The overall performance of Railway employees has been 'Very Good' as there has been no dislocation/ detention on employees' account.
During the previous seven years, the P.L. Bonus was paid to Railway employees equivalent to 78 days wages (with notional salary calculation). Upward revision of P.L. Bonus days beyond 78 days wages, would motivate Railway employees to continue to perform with determination.
Federation insists that Capital input should not be taken as criteria at all, as the utilization of the said Capital is in the hands of management as workers are not concerned with said investment. It is further placed on record that at no point of time, consultations were made with the Federations on the need for capital investment or otherwise.Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to the Railway employees for the year 2018-19
No. I/10/Part IV
The Chairman,
Summing up, NFIR urges the Railway Board (CRB) to kindly consider for enhancement of number of days wages than previous years for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to Railway Employees before commencement of Dussehra Puja Holidays.
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