Cabinet approves Payment of PLB to railway employees for the FY 2018-19

Railway Bonus 2019

Cabinet approves Payment of PLB to railway employees for the FY 2018-19

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days wages to over 11.52 Lakh eligible non-gazetted railway employees (excluding RPF/ RPSF personnel) for the Financial Year (FY) 2018-19, for maintaining industrial peace and motivation of railwaymen. This entails an expenditure of Rs. 2024.40 crores to the exchequer.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the Government led by Mr Narendra Modi has maintained a bonus of 78 days wages. It has never lowered it.

Productivity Linked Bonus amounting to 78 days wages for over 11.5 lakh non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding RPF/ RPSF personnel) approved
Expenditure of over 2 thousand crores for FY 2018-19
Acknowledgement of employees contribution to efficient Railway operations
Aimed at maintaining high levels of motivation among railway personnel

Benefits :
Payment of PLB equivalent to 78 days wages to eligible railway employees (excluding RPF/ RPSF personnel) for the FY 2018-19 would result in motivating a large number of railway employees to improve the performance of the Railways and enhance the productivity levels further, besides maintaining industrial peace.

PLB to all non-gazetted railway employees is an acknowledgement of their contribution to the efficient running of the Railways.

There being large number of railwaymen and their families, this acknowledgement will enhance the sense of inclusiveness and equity among them.


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