Amendment in the CCS Leave Rules 1972 consequent upon the implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC
No. 11020/01/2017-Estt. (L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Date: 30.8.2019
Sub: Amendment in the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 consequent upon the implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC.
The undersigned is directed to say that the Government has accepted the recommendations of the 7th CPC and implemented the same vide Notification dated 11.12.2018. This Notification has been uploaded in the Department's website also at the address. However, despite issue of the notification in this regard, some employees have been seeking formal and informal clarifications with regard to the amendments carried through the above Notification. Keeping this in view, following clarifications specifying the amendments carried out in the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 vide the above said Notification are issued:
I. The amendments made in the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 vide Notification dated 11.12.2018, have come into force w.e.f. 14.12.2018 when the Notification was published in the official gazette.
II. Government servants serving in a Vacation Department have been allowed Earned Leave in place of Half Pay Leave by amending Rule 28 and Rule 29.
III. With the amendment of Rule 43-C relating to Child Care Leave (CCL), following changes have been made:-
(a) CCL may be granted at 100% of the leave salary for the first 365 days and 80% of the leave salary for the next 365 days.
(b) CCL may be extended to single male parents who may include unmarried or widower or divorcee employees.
(c) For single female Government servants, the CCL may be granted for six spells in a calendar year. However, for other eligible Government servants, it will continue to be granted for a maximum of 3 spells in a calendar year.
IV. "Special Disability Leave for injury intentionally inflicted" under Rule 44 has been substituted by a new Leave named "Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL)" which may be granted to a Government servant (whether permanent or temporary), who suffers illness or injury that is attributable to or aggravated in the performance of her or his official duties or in consequence of her or his official position. With the introduction of WRIIL, "Special Disability Leave for accidental injury" (under Rule 45) and Hospital Leave (under Rule 46) have been deleted. WRIIL has foil owing provisions:-
(a) Full pay and allowances will be granted to all. employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.
(b) Beyond hospitalization, WRIIL will be governed as follows:
(i) Government servants (other than military officers) will be paid full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization and Half Pay only for 12 months beyond that period. The Half Pay period may be commuted to full pay with corresponding number of days of HPL debited from the employee's leave account.
(ii) For officers of the Central Armed Police Forces (GAFF), full pay and allowances will be paid for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization, and full pay only for the next 24 months.
(iii) Personnel below the rank of officers of GAFF will be paid full pay and allowances, with no limit regarding the period of leave.
(iv) In the case of persons to whom the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 applies, the amount of leave salary payable imder WRIIL shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under the Act.
(v) No EL or HPL will be credited during the period that employee is on WRIIL.
(Rajendra Prasad Tewari)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele. No. 26164316
All Ministries/ Departments of the Central Government
Source: DoPT
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