Postman Mobile Application : Clarification regarding usage of smart phones for delivery updation through PMA

Sub: Clarification regarding usage of smart phones for delivery updation through Postman Mobile Application 

Mail Business Division in the Postal Directorate has been receiving numerous references from Circles wherein clarification has been sought for the deployment of the smart phones procured for functioning of Postman Mobile Application. 

Circles have in general raised a query as to whether the smart phones under reference have to be given only to the postmen or otherwise. 

2. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that the smart phones supplied for the deployment of PMA, are to be utilised for all Postman beats in  departmental offices irrespective of the cadre/type of personnel manning the beat. Smart phones have been provided against the sanctioned strength of postmen and not against the actual working strength of postmen.

 3. Circles may also take steps to fill the postmen vacancies in accordance with the Directorate, orders on the subject. 


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