7th Pay Commission DA Hike for CG Employees and Pensioners

7th Pay Commission 5% DA Hike for CG Employees and Pensioners from July 2019

“Six months period of AICPIN from January to June 2019 declared and the additional Dearness allowance due from July 2019 is almost finalized”.

The second installment of Dearness allowance for CG employees and Pensioners is possible to increase from 12% to 17% effective from 1st July 2019.

5% of Matrix Pay for existing employees working in Central Government Services and 5% of Basic Pension for retired employees may be increased from July 2019.

However, the Union Cabinet will approve the hike on Dearness allowance. The good news for all Central Government Employees and Pensioners may fall on the ear by the second week of September.

The minimum basic pay (As per 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table) is Rs. 18000 per month in Central Government Services. In case of 5% hike in DA, minimum Rs. 900 (18000 x 5%) per month will be increased.

How to calculate 7th CPC Additional DA?

Percentage of additional DA multiply with your matrix pay (Does not include Special Pay etc.) and the fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded to the next higher rupee. 

Minimum Pay Hike Tables for Pay Matrix Level from 1 to 9 are given below…

GP 1800 1900 2000 2400 2800
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Basic Pay 18000 19900 21700 25500 29200
5% DA 900 995 1085 1275 1460


GP 4200 4600 4800 5400
Level 6 7 8 9
Basic Pay 35400 44900 47600 53100
5% DA 1770 2245 2380 2655


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