Steps to improve the functioning of CGHS Wellness Centres

Steps to improve the functioning of CGHS Wellness Centres

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
26-July, 2019
Poor Functioning of CGHS Dispensaries

Government receives feedback from various sources including CGHS beneficiaries about various aspects of functioning of Centre Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and CGHS Wellness Centres including on issues concerning breakdown in connectivity, shortage of staff, long queues and waiting period, interruptions in services of visiting Specialists, etc. Feedback so received is regularly monitored for taking appropriate corrective action and bringing improvement in the functioning of CGHS and CGHS Wellness Centres.

Government have taken a number of steps to improve the functioning of CGHS Wellness Centres, as under: –

(i) During the last one year, the network of CGHS Wellness Centres has been expanded from 33 CGHS covered cities to 70 CGHS covered cities by merging Postal Dispensaries in CGHS.

(ii) Government has approved opening of 27 new Homeopathic and 26 Ayurvedic CGHS Units to provide better services to more eligible CGHS beneficiaries.

(iii) To facilitate CGHS beneficiaries, SMS alerts service has been initiated for online appointment and dispensation of medicines at Wellness Centres.

(iv) Provision has been made for online registration to consult Medical officers at Wellness Centres to bring down the waiting period.

(v) Option has been provided to CGHS beneficiaries to avail Specialist consultation from CGHS empanelled hospitals after referral from CGHS Wellness Centre.

(vi) CGHS has taken steps to procure generic formulary medicines through HLL Life Care Ltd., as an interim measure, to augment the availability of medicines at CGHS Wellness Centres. Additional Directors of CGHS have been authorized to procure daily requirement of generic formulary medicines at Jana Aushadhi rates through HLL Life Care Ltd.,

(vii) Process for procurement through GeM to strengthen the infrastructure at Wellness Centres.

(viii) CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above are permitted to consult Specialists at empanelled private without referral.

(ix) The shortage of pharmacists has been brought down through fresh recruitment of Pharmacists.

(x) Retired Doctors are engaged on contractual basis against vacant posts of regular Medical officers to ensure uninterrupted medical services to the beneficiaries.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.

Source - GEOD


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