7th CPC Pay Fixation Methodology – Detailed report with 2 Illustrations



Examples of two pay fixation methodology

1. where a Railway Servant has been placed in a higher grade pay or scale between 1st day of January, 2016 and the date of notification of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 on account of promotion or upgradation and elect to switch over to revised pay structure from the date of such promotion/upgradation

2. fixation of pay in case an employee elect to continue to draw pay in existing pay structure until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in the existing pay structure with respect to promotion upgradation

Pay as on 1.1.2016 in existing pay structure Rs. 17300 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 21500
Pay as on 1.7.2016 after annual increment Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 22150
Date of promotion in GP-4600 15.11.2016
Pay in pre-revised structure on 14.11.2016 (Date of vacation of post in GP-4200) Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 22150
Fixation of pay in 7th CPC in Level-6 as per Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016. Rs. 22150*2.57 = Rs. 56925.5

Relevant Cell in Level-6 : Rs. 58600
Fixation on promotion in Level-7 w.e.f. 15.11.2016. As per Rule 13 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016, one increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is promoted and he shall be placed at a cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the post to which promoted and if no such cell is available in the Level to which promoted , he shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level. In the instant case, next Cell to Rs. 58600 in Level-6 is Rs. 60400. The same figure is available in Cell 11 of Level-7.

Therefore, pay will be fixed at Rs. 60400 in Level-7
DNI as per Rule 10 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 1.7.2017

(a) Illustration for fixation of pay in cases where a Railway Servant has been placed in a higher grade pay or scale between 151 day of January, 2016 and the date of notification of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 i.e. 28.07.2016 on account of promotion or upgradation and elect to switch over to revised pay structure from the date of such promotion or upgradation:

Case-I: When promotion occurred between 01.01.2016 and 30.06.2016.

Pay as on 01.01.2016 in existing pay structure Rs. 17300 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 21500
Date of Promotion in GP-4600 12.05.2016
Pay as on 12.05.2016 in existing pay structure after promotional increment in lower scale. Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4600 = Rs. 22550
Fixation of pay m in CPC in Level-7 with effect from 12.05.2016 as per Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 Rs. 22550*2.57 = Rs. 57953.50

Relevant Cell in Level-7: Rs. 58600
DNI as per Rule 10 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 01.01.2017

Case-II: When promotion occurred between 1 .7.2016 and 28.7.2016

Pay as on 1.1.2016 in existing pay structure Rs. 17300 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 21500
Date of Promotion in GP-4600 11.7.2016
Pay as on 01.7.2016 in existing pay structure after grant of annual increment. Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 22150
Pay as on 11.7.2016 in existing pay structure after promotional increment in lower scale. Rs. 18620 + GP Rs. 4600 = Rs. 23220
Fixation of pay m in CPC in Level-7 with effect from 11.7.2016 as per Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 Rs. 23220*2.57 = Rs. 59675.40

Relevant Cell in Level-7: Rs. 60400
DNI as per Rule 10 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 1.7.2017

(a) Illustration for fixation of pay in case an employee elects to continue to draw pay in existing pay structure until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in the existing pay structure with respect to promotion or upgradation materialized after the date of notification of RS(RP) Rules, 2016.

Pay as on 1.1.2016 in existing pay structure Rs. 17300 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 21500
Pay as on 1.7.2016 after annual increment Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 22150
Date of promotion in GP-4600 15.11.2016
Pay in pre-revised structure on 14.11.2016 (Date of vacation of post in GP-4200) Rs. 17950 + GP Rs. 4200 = Rs. 22150
Fixation of pay in 7th CPC in Level-6 as per Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016. Rs. 22150*2.57 = Rs. 56925.5

Relevant Cell in Level-6 : Rs. 58600
Fixation on promotion in Level-7 w.e.f. 15.11.2016. As per Rule 13 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016, one increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is promoted and he shall be placed at a cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the post to which promoted and if no such cell is available in the Level to which promoted , he shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level. In the instant case, next Cell to Rs. 58600 in Level-6 is Rs. 60400. The same figure is available in Cell 11 of Level-7.

Therefore, pay will be fixed at Rs. 60400 in Level-7
DNI as per Rule 10 of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 1.7.2017

Note: It may be noted that though the employee can continue in 6th CPC pay structure till he vacates the posts, promotional benefit can only be granted in the 7th CPC scale. 


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