Quick Mail Version 3.0 for D.O

Quick Mail Version 3.0 for D.O

How to use this Utility?
This Utility is created for mainly D.O operations

We can use it as reminder for the Periodical Statements / RTI Report Reminders / MMS Non plying / Delivery Statements / AADHAR related and for the Material Movements(Stock Handling) which is to be sent to Sub Offices/ Sub Divisions and which is to be received from the Sub Offices / Sub Division 

Enter the Office Name, Mail IDS, Contact Person, Office Phone, Mobile Nos in the Mails Sheet..

Enter as "Y" for Whether received Cell in the Mail_Data sheet and enter as "N" for not received

Click the Received Mail ID button for sending the Mail IDs to outlook / mail for the Whether Received Which is set as "Y"

Click the Not Received Mail ID button for sending the Mail IDs to outlook / mail for the Whether Received Which is set as "N" and for the empty

Paste the Mail IDs in the To address of the e-Mail application

We can get the Contact List for the offices which have not sent the Reports / Statements by clicking the Received Contacts / Not Received Contacts Button

You can edit the Headings according to your reminder requirement 

Click below link to download Quick Mail version 3.0

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