Amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of HSG-I & HSG-II
Amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Higher Selection Grade-I & Higher Selection Grade-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.
Dated: – 13th May, 2019.
Subject: Amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Higher Selection Grade-I & Higher Selection Grade-II.
Vide communication of even number dated 10th May, 2019, comments of stakeholders were invited on the proposed revised Recruitment Rules for the posts of Higher Selection Grade’I & Higher Selection Grade-II.
2. It is noticed that there are some inadvertent typographical error in the Schedule of Recruitment Rules for the post of Higher Selection Grade II in Railway Mail Service Wing. The error has since been corrected in the enclosed revised schedule.
3. As per DoP&T’s O.N{ No. AB-l4Ol7/6ll-Estt.(RR) dared 13.10.2015, the proposed revised Il recruitment Rules for the posts of Higher Selection Grade-I & Higher Selection Grade-II are being put up in public domain, i.e on the website of India Post, for 30 days for inviting comments from stakeholders.
(Muthu Raman c)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
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