POS Back Office Login Issue in CSI - Invalid User ID Password


Have you deputed to nearby/any other offices from your headquarter? or Have you transferred from one office to another? 

Is Back Office Login is not possible even the Facility transfer done through Divisional Head login? and there is no issue in SAP, Employee Portal Login.

Yes. Here the Solution for Back Office login issue.

Whenever the modification done r/o employee ID, the same should be Pushed to take effect immediately. Yes/

Use the T-code: ZHR_PUSHTOIAM
A file will be created in SAP Server in r/o the concern User and the same will immediately transferred to the concern new facility.
  • When ever HIGH SYNC executed in the new facility ID, new modification will receive and update in back office automatically.

  • You can enter multiple employees as well, then execute.
You will get similar output:

You can see we have mentioned two employees. One is having Create file (Create_20180709_131805.csv). This is generated at the time of new employee id creation. It suggests that the id is sent for creation in IM portal.

Modify refers that some changes are done and are to be changed in IM portal (e.g. Office change). You can keep the file name as reference in case the IM portal is not reflecting the new changes after 1 hour. The file name can be kept as a track to follow up with the IAM Team.


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