Meeting with Member ( Petsonal ) : GS NAPE c & GS AIPEU

On 30-5-2019 GS NAPE, c and GS AIPEU c, met Member(Personal) at 2:30 pm and discussed following issues.

1. As fixation benefit given to IPOs and PM Grade officials who passed exam after getting MACP - in this subject our union written a letter in 12-2018, a copy also given today and member pleased to issue orders soon. 

2. Regarding station tenure issue clarification is going to release as early as possible in the light of academic year approach. 

3. Member agreed for recovery of cooperative dues from the salaries of GDS. 

4. For finalizing RRs in respect of PSS group B, LSG and HSG we demanded to hold a combined meeting with all the stakeholders and agreed to hold the on 14-6-19. We opposed the proposed amendments in toto.

Sivaji Vasireddy, 


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