Regarding transfer of NPS to GPF

Regarding transfer of NPS to GPF

Government of India
Office of the director (Accounts)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Pay and accounts office, C.R.P.F
Plot No.14, PSF-2 Sector-23, Rohini,
New Delhi - 110085

Dated, the 15 March,2019,
The IG (Admin),
Directorate General, CRPF,
CGO Complex
Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003

Subject: Reg.transfer of NPS to GPF.

I am to say that various cases for transferring NPS subscriptions into GPF account have been received to this office after order of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in respect of WP(C) No.3834/2013 and WP(C) No.2810/2016 vide which benefits of Old pension Scheme are extended to personnel joined in the year 2004. As there is a large number of subscribers under this kind of transfer and many requests are received along with information of office orders issued by various authorities (i.e., The Commandants, The DIGs, The IGs, etc.,). In this regard, it is requested to issue appropriate orders to concerned formation to send these cases with the following documents(02 copies of each):
  • Necessary administrative approval from the administrative Head of the Department;
  • Application(in the format enclosed) duly filled by the subscriber;
  • Month-wise details of NPS subscriptions duly certified by the DDO;
  • Copy of office documents such as court order etc, related to counting of previous Government service rendered before 01.01.2004;
  • Copy of order vide which previous service of the subscriber is counted(if applicable);
  • Copy of technical resignation of the subscriber(if applicable);
  • and cases should be sent only after NPS subscription is stopped and GPF subscription is started from salary.
Further, the cases should be sent through the Administrative Head of Department to this office. There are some instances where offices are asking subscribers to apply for re-issue of PRAN card for submission with the case for NPS to GPF transfer. In this regard it is to inform that only if PRAN card is available it may be sent and there is no need for re-issue the PRAN card for this purpose. The details of PRANs are available in pay and service related records. The cases can be forwarded to Principal Accounts Office, MHA for further processing only after the aforementioned documents are received.

Yours faithfully,
Sr. Accounts Officer (NPS)


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