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Inspector of Posts - India Post: Leave Rules
A Government servant cannot accept employment elsewhere while on leave except in the case of service as a / an—
A. (a) Examiner
B. (b) Accountant
C. (c) Medical Practitioner
D. (d) Legal Practitioner
Answer: Option (A)
Answer Description: 12. Acceptance of service or employment while on leave.- (1) A Government servant (other than a Government servant who has been permitted a limited private practice or who has been permitted to under-take casual literary work or service as an examiner or similar employment) while on leave, including leave preparatory to retirement or leave granted beyond the date of retirement shall not take up any service or employment elsewhere, including the setting up of a private professional practice as Accountant, consultant or legal or medical practitioner without obtaining the previous sanction of- (a) The Governor, if the proposed service or employment lies elsewhere than in India; or (b) the authority, empowered to appoint him, if the proposed service or employment lies in India. http://finance.mp.gov.in/Rules/Leave.htm#c2
Answer Description: 12. Acceptance of service or employment while on leave.- (1) A Government servant (other than a Government servant who has been permitted a limited private practice or who has been permitted to under-take casual literary work or service as an examiner or similar employment) while on leave, including leave preparatory to retirement or leave granted beyond the date of retirement shall not take up any service or employment elsewhere, including the setting up of a private professional practice as Accountant, consultant or legal or medical practitioner without obtaining the previous sanction of- (a) The Governor, if the proposed service or employment lies elsewhere than in India; or (b) the authority, empowered to appoint him, if the proposed service or employment lies in India. http://finance.mp.gov.in/Rules/Leave.htm#c2
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