Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published the Additional List of candidates qualified in Skill Test for Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ exam 2017. The Commission had declared the result of the Skill Test of Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2017 on 28.11.2018 & 10.12.2018. The Commission has undertaken a detailed and comprehensive review of the Skill Test evaluation. Based on this comprehensive review, 16 additional candidates have qualified in Skill Test for Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and 74 additional candidates have qualified in Skill Test for Stenographer Grade ‘D', Check below for more details.
Posts: Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’
Additional Result 2017:
Additional list of candidates qualified in skill test (Steno - D): Click Here
Additional list of candidates qualified in skill test (Steno - C): Click Here
Notification: Click here
D.V. Notification: Click Here
D.V. Date : 23.03.2019
D.V. Time : 10.30 AM
Reporting Time :One hour before
the Document Verification
Venue: STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION, 1st floor, South Wing, Pratishtha Bhavan
(Old CGO Building), 101, M.K.Road, Churchgate Mumbai 400 020.
Helpline No. 7738422705/ 9869730700
Note: The Document Verification for the shortlisted additional candidates will be held by the Regional Offices on 23-3-2019 and 24-3-2019. For a detailed schedule of Document Verification and downloading of Admit Cards, the candidates should visit the website(s) of the concerned Regional Offices.
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