Recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) for the financial year 2017-18 in respect of CSS officers

No.22/10/2018-CS-I (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003,
dated the 19th March, 2019


Subject : Recording of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) for the financial year 2017-18 in respect of CSS officers – reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) of CSS officers from Under Secretary and above levels was required to be recorded online on ‘SPARROW’ web portal. For the financial year 2017-18, the date-lines for recording of APARs were extended vide OM dated 24th July, 2018 as under:-
1. Submission of self-appraisal by Officer to    be
Reported Upon (ORU) to Reporting Officer
31st July, 2018
2. Forwarding of Report by the Reporting Officer to Reviewing Officer 16thAugust, 2018
3. Forwarding of Report by the Reviewing Authority to the Administrator / APAR Cell 31stAugust, 2018
2. The progress of writing of APARs of CSS officers was monitored closely and it was observed that a large number of ORUs, Reporting & Reviewing Officers, had not recorded their remarks in the APARs even after the expiry of extended date-lines. All the Ministries/Departments were, therefore, requested vide O.M. dated 29.11.2018 to send ‘alert’ to all the officers for completing action on their part at the earliest and force forward APARs of ORUs, who failed to submit their self-appraisal by 14.12.2018, to next level i.e. Reporting Officer. The ‘SPARROW’ window has been closed on 31.12.2018.
3. The details of activities completed for writing of APARs on SPARROW for the year 2017-18 are as under:
1 Officer to be Reported Upon (ORU) 51
2. Reporting Authority 180
3. Reviewing Authority 200
4. NRCs 461
5. Pending for Disclosure 286
6. Representations 07
7. Closed by the system after all activities 2010
8. Total 3195
4. Attention is invited to the O.M. dated 29.11.2018 followed by Secretary (P)’s D.O. dated 11.12.2018, in terms of which the APARs for 2017-18 pending at ORU level were required to be force forward to next level i.e. Reporting Officer. However, 51 APARs for 2017-18 were closed at ORU level. The concerned Ministries/Departments are requested to elaborate reasons for not force-forwarding these APARs to the next level i.e. Reporting Officer. A list of 51 ORUs whose APARs were not force forwarded is enclosed at Annexure.

5. Secondly, inspite of clear cut instructions from this Department vide O.M. No.21011/02/2009-Estt(A) dated 16.02.2009, a large number of APARs have been closed at the level of Reporting Officers and Reviewing Authorities. Further, around 286 APARs are pending for Disclosure. It is brought to the notice of all the Ministries/Departments that the APAR for 2017-18 are now available for viewing to the officer concerned by visiting—>Dossier—Ny Completed PAR. The officers may be advised to view their APARs for 2017-18 through above link and send representation, if any, to their Ministry/Department, within 15 days from the issue of this O.M. Their representations may be examined as per the extant instructions and outcome of such representations may be intimated to the officer concerned under intimation to this Department.

6. All the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to take necessary action as per extant instructions and send a completion report alongwith a printout of APARs for 2017-18 closed on SPARROW web portal for records in this Division.

Encl: As above.

(Rajul Bhatt)


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