POS Release v4.1 on 14/02/2019

  • Insurance and Acknowledgement is made compulsory for intrinsic articles under all the services (wherever applicable) for VPP amount greater or equal to INR 1500.Previously this threshold VPP amount was INR 500.
  • Customer ID restricted to be numeric and a maximum 10 digits. That means, while entering customer id, user will be allowed to enter maximum 10 digits . Application will not accept any other entry.
  • Provision to select any contractual customer as recipient while adding Customer for eMO and mail services. Recipient Details will be auto populated in Booking Screen.
  • Restriction of special characters while booking. Only / . , @ # $ % & * ( ) - ~ ; : ? are allowed. Any other special characters will not be allowed.
  • System will generate transaction log(TLog) for all type of Franking Transactions (both Success and Failure) for Non-Departmental Franking Machine. SAP will process the transactions only when they receive success TLog from POS.
  • Currently already sold out IPOs and transferred IPOs appears in Back Office and Counter after database restoration. Now a provision has been given to the user to remove the already sold and transferred IPOs in such cases through maker checker process.
  • In current version of application, 'Total Amount' under "Biller wise Epayment report" was incorrectly displayed. This has been rectified to display the amount correctly.
  • While doing Force Shift for any user, system will check for any active/incomplete transactions for that particular user. If such transactions exists, system will deactivate/cancel the same before doing force shift end.
  • Addition of new field 'TRACKID' for TNEB Biller and population of the same in Booking Screen through web service.
  • In bulk upload screen an option has been added named "Discount Eligibility".If the option is checked (by Default), then the customer will beeligible for full discount else full discount will not be given when monthly bill is generated.


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