Excessive Work Pressure took away another life : Shri Dashru Majhi, SPM, Bandhbahal Colony S O under Sambalpur Division expired today (19.03.2019) in office

Shri Dashru Majhi, SPM, Bandhbahal Colony S O, a single handed post office under Sambalpur Division expired today (19.03.2019) morning at 9.30 AM due to cardiac arrest.

Late Shri Majhi was very sincere and punctual in attending office. After entering into office today (19.03.2019) before 9.30 AM, when he started the preliminary works to make the office functional, he suddenly felt uneasy. Since no other official was present near him, he rushed to the nearby Postman’s quarters for help where he became unconscious and suddenly with the help of other staff / family members while he was being taken to the nearest TRL Hospital, Belpahar, he breathed his last on the way.

As reported to this Circle Union the work pressure of Bandhbahal Colony S O is excessively high and requires to be upgraded to a triple handed office. Being failed to cope with the undue work pressure on one hand and continuous threatening by the administration on unachievable POSB / PLI / RPLI / BD targets etc. on the other, late Shri Majhi had already approached the Divisional administration to transfer him from that office. But his prayers had gone futile and ultimately the SPM met the death.

Late Shri Majhi is left with his wife Tanuja Majhi, one college going son D Majhi (25) and one college going daughter. Deepika Majhi (20).

Deeply shocked, the AIPEU, Group-C sincerely condoles the sad and unfortunate demise of Shri Majhi and prays Lord Jagannath to shower His unending blessings over the bereaved family members to bear with this irreparable loss.

Let the divine soul rest in eternal peace.
Circle Secretary
On behalf of the family members of NFPE, Odisha


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