7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay- Illustration on the fitment tables prepared by the 6th CPC: DoE OM dated 07.02.2019

7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay- Illustration on the fitment tables prepared by the 6th CPC: DoE OM dated 07.02.2019
The examples taken from the fitment Chart prepared by the 6th Pay Commission

Example 1:
Then existing scale = 8,000-275-13 ,500 6th CPC Scale PB-3 (15,600 - 39,100)
+ Grade Pay = Rs.5,400/-

Stages in pre-2006 scale Pay fixation without bunching Pay fixed as per fitment chart of 6th CPC Remarks
Pay in Pay Band (1.74
Grade Pay
1st 8,000 15,600 5,400 21,000 21,000 This illustration in the fitment table given by the 6th CPC brings out that if 3 consecutive stages of pay in the pay scale obtaining prior to 1.1.2006 are bunched based on the formula for fixation of pay, then the benefit of bunching was to be given at the 3rd stage, i.e, at the pre-revised pay of Rs.8,550.
2nd 8,275 15,600 5,400 21,000 21,000
3rd 8,550 15,600 5,400 21,000 21,390

Example 2:
Then existing scale = 14,300-450-22,400 6th CPC Scale PB-4 (39,200-67 ,000)
+ Grade Pay = Rs.9,000/ -

Stages in pre-2006 scale Pay fixation without bunching Pay fixed as per fitment chart of 6th CPC Remarks
Pay in Pay Band (1.74
Grade Pay
1st 14,300 39,200 9,000 48,200 48,200 Same as in above example
2nd 14,750 39,200 9,000 48,200 48,200
3rd 15,200 39,200 9,000 48,200 49,180

Annexure II: 7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay- Examples from the Fitment Table as per MoF. DoE OM dt. 30.8.2008 Click to View


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