This tool is provided as an aid and an alternative to spreadsheet to perform offline delivery and despatch work in case of inaccessibility of SAP by any means, otherwise use of this tool should strictly be avoided and is not recommended. The developer is not responsible for any misuse and unauthorized use of this tool. See disclaimer under about menu. The disclaimer is clearly stated in accordance with widely accepted licensing model and accepted principles of law.
Access to this tool is protected by means of username and password. Multiple users are supported. Minimum password length should be 8 eight chars with any combinations. Anybody can create a user and start to work. All users will have same access rights. Users can change his password at their convenience. User id can not be deleted. Every user is responsible for authenticity of data and safety of database. Logged in user id will be shown when you are logged in. Log info is not stored in Database. Password is stored in DB in encrypted form.
Configuration is needed when it is used for the first time. Office name has to be entered. Beat and BO details can be entered up to 30 each. In destination, all destinations to which bags are closed and despatched are entered.
Article barcode number validation is incorporated which will prevent invalid barcode usage.
Bag barcode number validation is incorporated which will prevent invalid inclusion of any article in the unsupported bag.
To make the task easier, it is designed that opening of bag, delivery and despatch is not interlinked and will work separately without depend on each other. Which means that straight away delivery can be made even without opening of bag and straight away despatch can be made even without opening of bag and without making delivery.
Opening of Bag
Opening of bag is to be done under Bag Open menu. Bag can be opened and reopened any number of times. Reopening can be done in case of alteration. Recd. Bag manifest can be printed under Recd. Bag Manifest under Report menu. In which enter bag id and print manifest for any date. The manifest can be printed in two different form ie) with or without barcode in it. Barcode will make the task of later bag opening in SAP-DPMS easier in case of articles were sent out for delivery.
Issue of Articles for Delivery
Beat issue and BO issue can be made under Issue under Delivery menu. If name and address is needed uncheck auto save checkbox. It is auto saved after every article is invoiced. Delivery slip can be printed there itself. Delivery slip will be saved in Documents folder by default. Wrong entry can be deleted by selection. Same article can not be issued more than once in a working day but different day possible. Issue of articles can not be made after returns taken. The same is applicable to BOs also.
Beat returns can be made under beat returns under delivery menu. Returns can be taken for any pending date and beat. When you click on submit, returns will be completed. Summary will be shown. Only three remarks can be give namely “Delivered”, “On Hold” and “Despatch”. Excel file containing delivered articles and on hold articles can be generated for any date for every beat and BO under Export under Report menu. The files will be saved in a newly created folder under Desktop. The folder name will be date of working. If any file is created with the same name available in that folder, will be overwritten. The exported files can be uploaded in SAP using t-code provided by CEPT.
BO returns can be made under BO returns under delivery menu. List of all pending articles will be shown for every BO. Select article number, date of remark and remark and then click on mark button for every article and finally give submit to finish returns. BO returns can be recurred until all pending is over. Rest is same as Beat returns.
Return remark can be modified for any article under Modify Returns under Delivery menu.
Despatch of articles can be made under despatch menu. Before invoicing of articles, bag should be created under Create Bag menu. Created bag can be deleted by selection if it is in open status. Any invoiced articles will also be deleted. Closed and despatched bags can not be deleted. When you create, bag status will be open. Bag closing can be made under Close bag menu. When you click on Re(Scan) button, bag status will be changed to open. When you click on Re(Close) button status will be changed to Closed. Bags can be reopened and closed for any number of times before despatch. Despatched bags can not be reopened. Despatch manifest can be printed with barcode or without barcode. Barcode printed on the manifest will make the task of later closing of bag in SAP easier in case of bags were despatched offline.
Despatch of bags can be done under despatch bags menu. List of all pending closed bags will be shown. You can despatch one by one or all at once.
Recd. bag manifest can be printed later under report menu.
Despatched bag manifest can be printed later under report menu.
List delivered and on hold articles for any date of remark can be generated under export menu for any date. All generated files will be stored in a newly created folder in desktop. The folder name will be date of working day.
Details of any article can be searched in find article menu.
Under print barcode menu, barcodes can be printed for article numbers. Copy form spreadsheet and paste it. Minimum columns should be one. Maximum three columns are supported. Any excess pasted columns will clipped off while printing of barcodes. First row should contain headers. First column will be barcoded.
All components are bundled with this tool and hence will not need any prerequisites and will run on most windows platform.
Data is permanent unless deleted by user.
This tool is not designed to support to work with multiple users at the same time. It is not designed to work as server and client. If this tool is required to be shifted to another computer without loss of data, first of all take backup of the database to external drive. Install this tool in another computer. Create one temp user. Login with that user. After that restore the database in the new machine from the backup. This tool will now be entered into the state like in the old computer. Newly created temp user will be lost.
Database option is used to backup database, restore database and delete old data. It is recommended to take periodic backup of database for safety. When database is corrupted or lost by any means, restore the database from backup. Database includes user credentials and all data. When the database is restored, the state of the tool goes back to the time when the backup took place. It means that any newly created users along with newly worked out data will be lost. It is recommended to periodically delete old data of unwanted period to improve database performance.
To completely remove this tool, go to programs and features under control panel and uninstall it. First of all it is recommended to take backup of database.
That's it.
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