Important instruction for Opening of account and subsequent deposit by other Bank Cheque in Finacle

This is regarding streamlining the transactions in office accounts 0382 (For opening of account and subsequent deposit by other Bank Cheque) and 0017 (CLEARING DR. A/C. OUTWARD CLEARING). This streamlining process is to resolve the below issues

1. 0017 office account is used both for outward clearing (by system) and subsequent deposits including RD agent transactions .

2. Several offices are not following cheque clearing process properly and debits for new account are made without proper credits resulting in huge debits in office account (0382).

New Procedure to be followed

1. Cheques for New account Opening and Subsequent deposits should be lodged in office account 0382 ONLY (For opening of account and subsequent deposit by other Bank Cheque); from 01/01/2019 onwards. Cheque lodging will be allowed only in 0382.

2. Office account 0017 will be accessed by SYSTEM only for cheque clearing operations wef 01/01/2019

3. Balances in office account 0382 should always be 0 or in credit. Validations are to be deployed for not allowing DEBITS in office account 0382 if the balance of the account is in DEBIT. As part of this activity, debit balances in this office account (0382) will be nullified to zero after 15/01/2019. Henceforth, debit from this office account cannot be done if sufficient balance is not available. Suitable instructions to be issued to POs for following cheque clearing process correctly to ensure that necessary credits are available in 0382 office accounts before debiting. Further, circles should ensure that reconciliation in 0382 office account is completed and debit balances are tallied against necessary cheque clearance and the same is accounted in daily account. This exercise should be completed by all circles. Discrepancies if any to be reported immediately.

4. Credits into 0382 will be only through cheque clearing and transfer could not be done from other office accounts. It is observed that some POs are debiting from other office accounts for crediting into 0382. Necessary validations are built to restrict credit from other office accounts and debit in this office account without credits.

5. As interim procedure, offices can continue to debit 0017 for a period of one week (till 07/01/2019), during which all cheques lodged in 0017 prior to above configuration changes will get cleared and credited into customer accounts.

6. Amount credited through clearing in office account 0382 upto 15/01/2019 should be utilised latest by 15/01/2019 itself, for account opening/subsequent deposits. Once the balance is made zero in the offices where 0382 is in debit balance, further debiting will not be allowed.

Configuration change along with deployment of patch

0017 office account will be restricted for debit: Only 0382 will be allowed as debit account in all the account opening menus and CRDP / CPDTM; 0017 office account cannot be debited from 08/01/2019.

Configuration change related to HAGTXP: This will be done for handling debit transactions through agent portal to 0382 office account instead of 0017 office account. [proposed to be done from 08/01/2019]. The cheques cleared in 0382 during the preceding week have to be kept pending for processing till 07/01/2019. Hence all the agent cheques which got cleared from 01/01/2019 to 07/01/2019 need to be kept pending for processing till 07/01/2019. Only from 08/01/2019, Cheque bulk list where credits are available in 0382 can be processed.

0382 office account can be used for account opening and subsequent deposits (except Agent bulk) from 01/01/2019 to 07/01/2019. Agent bulk list where cheques got cleared for the above period to be kept pending till 07/01/2019.

Exception handling: Any cheques lodged in 0017 upto 31/12/2018 and cleared after 07/01/2019, will be handled separately by allowing transfer between 0017 & 0382 for the specific SOLs . This will be done after receipt of mail from concerned circle CPCs. This process is only for clearing backlog cheques if any. 

Following will be the status of accounts, on successful completion of the above configuration / operational changes:

​​0017 will be used for clearing operations only; this office account at SOs (non-clearing offices) will not be getting any transactions. 

0382 will be either in credit or zero balance.

The balance amount transferred from 0017 to 0382 office account, will have supporting transactions in 0382 ledger which can be audited separately to check whether cheques for these amounts were cleared manually instead of processing through zone operations. A report will be provided to circles with details of office account and amount of debit cleared for reconciliation. Circles can use this report for reconciliation to ensure that debits have been accounted in their daily account/summary.

The debit transactions in 0017 other than clearing transactions, can be audited by circles separately to check whether cheques for these amounts were cleared manually instead of processing through zone operations.

Any clarification on the above may be referred to


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