Request for issue of orders to grant financial benefits on 01/01/2006 to senior IPs, ASPs and Group B officers

Request for issue of orders to grant financial benefits on 01/01/2006 to senior IPs, ASPs and Group B officers consequent upon placing IPs & ASPs in the same scale.

It is again requested to kindly go through both the letters so that Association may able to take up common issue with Secretary Post in right perspective and with the consent of all. Kindly must comment for correction if required to be made in the below mentioned draft. Kindly spare some time.  

Sh. A.N.Nanda,
The Secretary (Post)
Department of Post
DakBhawan, SansadMarg
New Delhi-100001

No. CHQ/POA/1-26/2017-18 Dated 15.10.18
Sub: Request for issue of orders to grant financial benefits on 01/01/2006 to senior IPs, ASPs and Group B officers consequentupon placing IPs & ASPs in the same scale.

Postal officer Association intend to refer to Postal Directorate letter number 2-12/2013-PCC dated 24-10-2017 and to inform you that consequent upon placing IPs and ASPs in the same GP w.e.f 1-1-2006, the Grade Pay of both the cadre has became identical at the level of 4600/-. This position has placed the ASPs (Gazetted) in a detrimental and disadvantageous level. As such the promotion already awarded at the level of ASPs prior to 1-1-2006 or working as ASPs on that day has now no meaning and thus stood nullified. Due to this disadvantageous position DoPT in a point of doubt no.1 of Annexure of ACP order no.45034/1/97-Estt(D) dtd 09.08.99 had clarified that when the lower pay and the higher pay are equal the ACP (financial up-gradation) given to ASP has to be ignored and fresh ACP should be given.

Furthermore, since ASPs and IPs have been placed in the same GP of 4600/- corresponding to the old pay scale of 7450-225-10500 so provision for grant of MACP or ACP will have to be redefined in view of the clarification issued on ACP scheme vide DoPT OM No. 35034/1/97-Estt (D) (Vol. IV) dated 12.02.2000 and 18.7.2001. As also provided in postal directorate letter no.4-7/(MACPS)/2009/PCC dated 18-9-2009 promotion earned /up-gradation granted under the ACP schemes in the past to those grades which now carry the same GP due to the merger of the scales/ up-gradation of posts recommended by the sixth pay commission shall be ignored for the purpose of up-gradation under Modified ACPs.

Apparently the pay fixture benefit to those ASPs who were promoted prior to 1-1-2006 from IPs or who got financial up-gradations prior to 1-1-2006 needs revision as on 01-01-2006 in the same manner as done in case of MTS when they were granted GP of 1900, 2000 & 2400 for 1, 2 & 3rd financial upgradations.
Association, therefore urge Secretary Posts to issue orders with regard to extending benefits of Grade pay of 4800 and 5400 as on 01-01-2006 to all senior IPs/ASPs, who were promoted to ASP/PS group B cadre or had been granted 2nd financial up-gradation prior to 01/01/2006.

With profound regards

Yours Sincerely

R N Yadav
General Secretary


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